Zookhels Meloksivet Suspenziya for dogs and Sostavs cats: 1 ml of medicine contains active ingredient: to meloksika - 1 mgvspomogatelny substances: glycerin, polyvinylpirrolidone (kolidon K-25), sodium a dihydrogene phosphate a dihydrate, xanthane gum, citric acid, sodium phosphate a dihydrate, sodium benzoate, water purified Application: Suspenziya is appointed to dogs and cats as anti-inflammatory, febrifugal and soothing medicine at inflammatory and pain syndromes of various origin, including sharp and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal device (arthritises, arthroses, sinovita, dislocations), inflammatory diseases of soft fabrics and also in qualities of analgeziruyushchy and anti-inflammatory medicine during the postoperative period the Dosage: Meloksivet suspension apply when feeding individually orally once in sutkisobaka in the first day of treatment medicine apply in a dose 0.2 ml (4 drops) of medicine on 1 kg of body weight of an animal (that corresponds to 0.2 mg of a meloksikam), in the next days - 0.1 ml (2 drops) of medicine on 1 kg of body weight of an animal (that corresponds to 0.1 mg of a meloksikam) to Cats medicine apply in the first day of treatment in a dose 0.1 ml (2 drops) of medicine on 1 kg of body weight of an animal (that corresponds to 0.1 mg of a meloksikam), in the next days - 0.05 ml (1 drop) of medicine on 1 kg of body weight of an animal (that corresponds to 0.05 mg of a meloksikam). Each consumer packing on 50 ml is provided with syringes batchers that allows to dose most precisely medicine to dogs of large and average breeds (from 5 kg). Each consumer packing on 10 ml is provided with droppers for dispensing to dogs of small breeds and cats (up to 5 kg) Before application it is necessary to warm up bottle contents with medicine to 30 °C and to stir up Duration of a course of treatment depends on indications and a condition of an animal and is defined by the treating veterinarian, but should not exceed 10 days. In case of lack of improvement of a clinical condition of animals after a 10-day course of treatment the use of medicine is stopped. Sleduyet to avoid admissions at introduction of the next dose of medicine as it can lead to decrease in therapeutic efficiency. In case of the admission of one dose it is necessary to enter it as soon as possible. Further the interval before the following introduction of medicine does not change Protivopokazaniya: A contraindication for use of medicine is the individual hypersensibility of an animal to a meloksikam or to medicines with similar action, for example other NPVP, including acetilsalicylic acid; ulcer of stomach and a 12-perstny gut, the expressed renal and liver failure, a hemorrhagic syndrome. To apply Ne along with GKS, other nonsteroid anti-inflammatory medicines and also Nes anticoagulants should apply suspension the pregnant and feeding females, puppies and kittens more young than 6 weeks age, an animal in a condition of dehydration, a gipovolemiya and hypotension, because of a possibility of toxic impact of medicine on kidneys. At emergency of prescribing of medicine by such animal treatment is carried out under constant observation of the veterinarian, at the same time the daily dose of medicine is reduced twice. Preparat is contraindicated to animals with diseases of a cardiovascular system, a clinical renal failure, at threat of development of ulcer damage of a GIT and gastrointestinal bleedings and also at diseases of the haematogenic bodies and hypersensitivity to medicine Side effects: Emergence of a leykopeniya, allergic reactions, drowsiness, tachycardia, hypertensia, abdominal pains, disorders of function of a liver and kidneys, naggers and a rash on skin, hypostases Caution is possible: As the risk connected with application of a meloksikam can increase depending on a dosage and duration of application, it is necessary to appoint as it is possible well the period of application and the minimum effective daily doses. In case of development of signs of side effect, use of medicine should be stopped. Prolonged use of Meloksivet of suspension has to be carried out only under control of the veterinarian. Ne is recommended to apply Meloksivet suspension at the same time and also within 24 hours to and 24 hours after the end of use of other nonsteroid resolvents, glucocorticoids and potentially nefrotoksichesky medicines. Preparat highly contacts proteins of plasma, entering the competitive relations with other medicines which connect protein, can result in toxic effect. At the increased individual sensitivity of animals to a meloksikam, emergence of symptoms of an allergy, suspensions stop Meloksivets application and an animal appoint antihistamines Overdose: It is impossible to exceed the specified doses. At overdose the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, depression, bleedings and ulcers of digestive tract is possible. At overdose it is necessary to see the veterinarian immediately. At overdose treatment symptomatic a release Form: Bottles from polymeric materials: on 10 ml with an insert dropper enclosed in a box; on 50 ml completed with the syringe batcher and enclosed in a box. Storage: In the closed packing of the producer in dry, protected from light and the place, inaccessible for children, at a temperature from 0 °C to 25 °C. An expiration date - 2 years. An expiration date after the first opening of a bottle - no more than 3 months. Producer: PrAT "GNP " Ukrzoovetprompostouch", Ukraine Product code: 503357 - Zookhels Meloksivet Suspenziya for dogs and cats (10 ml) 503364 - Zookhels Meloksivet Suspenziya for dogs and cats (50 ml) date editing the description: 17.06.2020
ZooHels Meloxivet Suspension for dogs and cats
- Product Code: MX23306
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