BASARA PLUS ONE is the deep-water version of BASARA with the same unique characteristics which made it not replaceable when catching a predator. Specially picked up system from a magnet, mobile and the fixed balls allows to throw a bait on the most long distance. This system provides high-quality balancing and easy management of a wobbler at any ways of conducting. In the lower part of the head of a bait, about the deepening blade, the special capsule with a tungsten ball is located. Weighted front part vozvolyat quickly is buried to a wobbler on operating depth in 2.4 meters. BASARA PLUS ONE is ideal for catching of a pike perch at high speeds of uniform conducting and a strong current and also a deep-water tviching of a pike. Characteristics: Wobbler type: suspenderdlina: 9.0 smves (): 10 Deepening of 1.0-2.5 m
Wobbler of Lucky John Pro Series Basara SP Plus One, 90 mm 10 g (BA90SPPO-704)
- Product Code: MX29189
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