of 100% of Whey Protein Professional is a high-quality ultraizolirovany concentrate from serumal protein and serumal isolate.
of Squirrels from serum, is considered the best among all types of protein in bodybuilding as its biological value is the highest. Serumal protein, has huge amino-acid structure and very high concentration of BCAA (isoleucine, a leucine, valine), in comparison with other sources of protein. The amino-acid profile of this protein is excellent. In its structure, are also added, so-called "amino acids-anabolic steroids" (BCAA, arginine, glutamine).
of 100% of Whey Protein Professional for 10% consists of microfractions of immunoglobulin of protein which supports the immune system of an organism. Besides, a serumal protein capable to strengthen production of endogenous glutathione.
Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant in an organism. 100% of Whey Protein Professional, contain four-compound peptides which were added to avoid unpleasant pains after the trainings. 100% of Whey Protein Professional, the lactose minimum contains, and it is strengthened by an anabolic amino-acid matrix: leucine, glutamine and taurine. A combination of these elements accelerate synthesis of protein which stimulates the volume of muscle cells, increasing amount of amino acids in muscle tissue!
aspartame does not contain
of 100% of Whey Protein Professional
very big variety of tastes, and among them has, you will precisely find the darling. Besides, the protein mixes well up and rastovoryatsya with water and milk. You receive fragrant and tasty cocktail.
to Mix 1 measured scoop from 250 ml of water or milk. To take 1-3 cocktails a day: in the morning, before and after the training.
of Calorie - 117 kcal
of Calorie from fats - 14 kcal
of All of fats - 1.5 g
Saturated fats - 1 g
Holesterin - 26 mg
Sodium - 43 mg
Potassium - 133 mg
of All of carbohydrates - 3.8 g
the Sahara - 1.5 g
Food fibers - 0 g
of the Squirrel - 22 g
of Amino Acid Matrix - 1336 mg
(pure taurine, a L-leucine, a L-glutamine, a dextrose)
Mix of digestive enzymes - 25 mg
(bromeline, papain)
Amino-acid structure for the portion:
L-alanine - 1102 mg
L-arginine - 535 mg
L-asparaginic acid - 2290 mg
L-cysteine - 620 mg
L-glutamine - 4410 mg
Glitsin - 385 mg
a L-histidine - 373 mg
of L-izoleytsin - 1410 mg
a L-leucine - 2385 mg
a L-lysine - 2240 mg
L-methionine - 482 mg
L-phenylalanine - 670 mg
of L-proline - 1270 mg
of L-serin - 1120 mg
Taurine - 255 mg
L-threonine - 1442 mg
L-tryptophane - 382 mg
L-tyrosine - 710 mg
L-valine - 1304 mg
high-quality proteinaceous mix from a concentrate of serumal protein and isolate of a serumal protein (contains lactoglobulin, lactoferrin, lactoalbumin and fractions of immunoglobulins), a dextrose, a L-leucine, L-glutamine, taurine, digestive enzymes (papain, bromeline), thickener (xanthane gum), artificial sweeteners (to atsesulfa To, a sucralose), natural and artificial fragrances (depends on taste), dye (depends on taste).
Whey Protein, 100% Whey Protein Professional, Strawberry, Scitec Nutrition, 500 g 465, 25655 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, world, health, cosmetics, fitness
- Product Code: MX34805
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Tags: Whey Protein, 100% Whey Protein Professional, Strawberry, Scitec Nutrition, 500 g 465, 25655 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, world, health, cosmetics, fitness