Limited Edition 100 copies, White Vinyl, the 180th gr, 2019 - 800 UAH
Vpershe on v_n_l і!!!
Unplugged at She Pif club, Paris.
Is written down at 1993 rots_ at Parizh_ at klyub_ by "She P_f". The operator to a zapis - a l_der to a herd of Les VRP Néry Catineau (Ner_i Kat_no).
Storona And:
2. Shalena z_rka
3. Ditinstvo – tse a z_rka
4.Ti to exchange of a p_dmanul
5. Rozpryagayte, hlopts і, horses
Storona of B:
1. Gey, chervon_ game і
2. Oh ti, Galya, Galya young
3. On vulits_ a violin of a gr є
4. Be pricked by
5. Not Xie Galya water
Vopli Vidopliassova - Zakustika
- Product Code: MX50862
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