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Reviews Over Voger of the capsule for prevention and complex treatment of diseases of a prostate packing of 30 pieces
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Functional properties of dietary Voger additive are caused by physiological activity of biologically active agents entering its Ingredients: fatty acids (lauric, myristic, olein, palmitic, stearin, linoleic) and phytosterols (R-sitosterol, kampesterol, kampesterol, stigma of oil, zinc, a gipoksozid, an aglikon and rooperol, vitamins (To, S, V2, VZ, carotinoids), a chlorophyll, tannins, organic acids, flavonoids, macro - and microelements (Si, Fe, Sa, Si, To, Megapixel, In, Ti, Ni), pentacyclic triterpen, p-dokozanola and a tetrakozanola.
Biologically active agents which are a part Voger have anti-inflammatory, anti-androgenic and anti-estrogenic properties. They are capable to reduce the level of the globulin connecting sex hormones. The most important components of phytotherapy are phytosterols (} - sitosterol, fatty acids and lekgina. These substances oppress the aromatase, a lipoxygenase and a growth factor stimulating proliferation of cells of a prostate. Including oppress and - adrenoceptors, 5-areduk holinoretseptor, receptors of dihydropyridine or vaniloidny receptors and are neutralized by free radicals.
Biologically active agents which are a part Voger reduce the pathological processes of a prostate which are followed by frequent desires to urination, especially at night, weak or faltering urination, feeling incompleteness of a chair of a bladder, discomfort including during urination. discomfortable feelings in the bottom of a stomach or in a crotch and disturbance of sexual function.
Active components
Voger are a part all components listed in the section "Phytotherapy" of Recommendations about treatment of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate of the European Association of Urologists 2019:
Extract of fruits From the Palmetto (Serenoa repens) contains 45% of fatty acids (lauric, myristic, olein, palmitic, stearin, linoleic) and phytosterols (R-sitosterol, kampesterol, stigmasterol).
Palmetto improves indicators of uric symptoms, symptoms and indicators of a stream of urine on IPSS scale. Promotes blocking of 5-a-reductase and oppression of linking of dihydrotestosterone with prostate receptors. The anti-proliferative effect is caused by oppression of activity of enzymes of 5-a-reductase and aromatase.
Extract From the Palmetto concerns leaders among the vegetable means oppressing edematization, inflammations in a prostate and reducing the prostate sizes. Numerous clinical trials of extract From the Palmetto in Germany, England, the USA and other countries showed its high efficiency in chronic prostatitis. The lack of undesirable actions allows to apply extract From the Palmetto for a long time, without being afraid of consequences, harmful to an organism. Besides, extract From the Palmetto favorably influences a condition of skin and hair, blocking 5-a-redukgaz 2 type, being a key link in development of an androgenic alopecia (hair loss) and acne rash.
Extract of fruits From the Palmetto leadsto reduction of the size of a prostate and improvement of symptomatology. Promotes a stop of transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, that is elimination of the leading reason of development of the benign hyperplasia of a prostate (BHP).
Extract of seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) contains amino compound kukurbitin and fat oils which have anti-inflammatory, recovery, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, regenerative and antiparasitic properties.
Use of products of pumpkin is followed by reduction of volume of a prostate in way of anti-inflammatory and anti-androgenic effects, decrease of the activity of a detruzor, improvement of indicators of the international scale of symptoms of a prostate (IPSS), parameters of an urofloumetriya and quality of life (QoL). Pumpkin seeds are also a powerful source of zinc which plays an important role in functioning of an urinogenital system at men, contributes to strengthening of sexual function and normalization of a functional condition of a prostate in prostatitis and adenoma.
Extract of a tuber of the African potatoes (Hypoxis hemerocallidea) promotes strengthening of action of Co of the Palmetto. The rhizome of a plant of the African potatoes (Hypoxis hemerocallidea) is known the traditional use at treatment of DGPZh and other diseases of an urinogenital system, including in bladder infections.
Extract received from a tuber of the African potatoes has the main bioactive compound gipoksozid, aglikon and rooperol and gives the strongest evidences of efficiency and safety in normalization of a functional state at DGPZh.
Extract of a root of a gonochoristic nettle (Urtica dloica) contains a complex of biologically active compounds among which there are vitamins (To, S, V2, VZ, carotinoids), a chlorophyll, tannins, organic acids, flavonoids, macro - and microelements (Si, Fe, Sa, Si, To, Megapixel, In, Those, Ni).
It promotes increase in level of hemoglobin, decrease in level of glucose in blood, to normalization of lipidic exchange and increase in the general tone of an organism. Extract of a root of a great nettle promotes reduction of hypostasis and interferes with process of increase in a prostate.
Extract of bark of the African plum (Prunus africana) contains a number of biologically active agents (phytosterols, pentacyclic triterpena, n-dokozanol and tetrakozanol) which have anti-inflammatory and antiedematous properties, thanks to oppression of products of prostaglandin, decrease in level of a prolakgin.
byon the basis of preclinical trials put forward several mechanisms of action, including inhibition 5-a-redukgazy, and - adrenergic antagonism, inhibition of dihydrotestosterone and the receptors promoting reduction of proliferation of fabrics of a prostate.
Pollen of a rye (Secale cereale) has a number of effects, including relaxation of an urethra and bladder, relaxation of unstriated muscles through antagonism and - adrenergic receptors.
treat induction of apoptosis in cells of an epithelium of a prostate additional mechanisms and slowing down of biosynthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
By anti-inflammatory effect, pollen of a rye reduces the prostate size at DGPZh, prostatitis and a prostatodynia, improving such symptoms as a nikguriya and frequent desires to urination.
Is recommended to be accepted in a food allowance as an additional source of biologically active agents and fatty acids, for the purpose of normalization of a functional condition of an urinary system of men, at symptoms of the lower uric ways, at discomfortable feelings during sexual intercourse, including in a benign hyperplasia of a prostate and chronically prostatitis.
is not medicine.
Route of administrationto Use
to adult men on 1 capsule 2 times a day at meal time. Before use the consultation of the doctor is recommended.
use Term: 3 months. If necessary the use course according to the recommendation of the doctor is repeated.
Regular daily consumption is especially important
Feature of use
for normalization of a functional condition of a prostate. The efficiency of components concerning symptoms of the lower uric ways is shown in 2-3 weeks after the beginning of use. The full efficiency can be reached not earlier than in 3 months. It is recommended to apply the adequate and balanced diet of food, to limit animal fats, sugar, sweets and alcohol.Caution on use: not to exceed the recommended daily dose.
Dietary additive should not be used as replacement of an adequate diet of food.
Increased individual sensitivity to any component.
Active ingredients: 1 capsule contains powdery extracts: fruits From Palmeto (Serenoa repens) of 160 mg (mg), seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) of 60 mg (mg), tubers of the African potatoes (Hypoxis hemerocallidea) (Urtica dioica) of 50 mg (mg), bark of the African plum (Prunus africana) of 40 mg (mg), rye pollen (Secale segeay) 25 mg (mg); capsule cover: gelatin, dye of the titan dioxide.
Storage conditionsto Store
in original packing at a temperature not over 25C in dry, protected from direct sunshine and the place, inaccessible for children.
Characteristics | |
Country | Ukraine |
Quantity in packing | 30 pieces |
Release form | capsules |