Advantage of a complex of vitamins for our organism cannot be underestimated. Unique structure Vitaton Klassik of Duo contains 9 vitamins, the Omega-3 and 8 irreplaceable amino acids. The omega-3 as a part of the capsule provides optimum level of care of vessels and heart, allowing to be felt vigorous and full of strength for all day. The amino-acid complex has positive effect on nervous system, regulates cognitive functions of an organism, increases immunity, promotes acceleration of exchange processes.
the Vitamin complex contains
And, E, D3 and vitamins of group B which help will get rid of a stress and to strengthen nervous system. Retinolum will slow down aging processes, will accelerate healing of wounds, will strengthen protective functions of an organism, will improve night sight. Vitamin D is responsible for a tone of muscles, fortress and health of bones and connecting fabrics, and vitamin E is called not for nothing youth vitamin, it revitalizes our skin and hair. Thanks to unique DUOCAP™ technology of substance are released from the capsule gradually, allowing an organism to acquire them evenly. This technology of association of the useful elements "the capsule in the capsule" does possible to deliver amino acids and vitamins for support of different systems of our organism without mixing in the capsule.
the Had effect:
is Raised by the level of physical forces and endurance in an organism
Promotes good rest and a good dream
Regulates work of a hormonal system
Strengthens and supports the immune system
Protects a liver from harmful effects
Stabilizes work of a cardiovascular system
the Method of application:
to Adults and children 12 years are more senior than
to accept 1-2 capsules a day washing down with enough water.
of the Contraindication:
Hypersensibility to one of the substances which are contained in medicine.
of the Condition and periods of storage:
to Store
in packing of the producer, in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Vitaton Classic Duo, Newtone Pharma, 30 capsules 330, z04952 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness
- Product Code: MX33318
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Tags: Vitaton Classic Duo, Newtone Pharma, 30 capsules 330, z04952 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness