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of Real food organics for Women of 60 tablets from TM Country Life
is the unique multivitamin complex created from 40 organic products approved by the U.S. Health Department without GMO. Organic mix from vegetables, fruit and seaweed is a part of vitamins. Among which: guava, mango, lemon, ginger, cabbage, red radish, broccoli, cranberry, pumpkin, spinach, asa, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, strawberry, beet, ginger, red bean lentil, orach, cherry, pomegranate, peas, banana, chlorella, spirulina, mustard seed, bilberry, strawberry and aloe belief. To keep all useful and nutritious properties of these products the Country Life company uses special technology of processing Cryo-Active State.
of Realfood Organics is a vitamin complex, convenient for the use, which perfectly saturates the womans organism with all useful substances. You receive all necessary complex of vitamins and minerals for health of heart, skin, hair, breasts, bones and other systems of an organism.
Principles of creation of Real food organics:
Step 1: The FIELD - is grown up according to the organic USDA standards
the Step 2: PRO-BIOTIC CULTURE - as a fermentation basis
the Step 3: ФЕРМЕНТИРОВАНО& it is FROZEN - for mix concoction
the Step 4: MIX - mixes up in powder
the Step 5: The TABLET - the convenient daily use of polyvitamins.
of Property:
fills up with
power stocks of an organism
improves a condition of a cardiovascular system
increases immune function of an organism
improves a state and durability of bones
supports normal exchange of glucose
provides cellular protection of an organism
the Method of application:
the Adult to take 2 (two) pill a day. It is not necessary to exceed the recommended dose.
of the Contraindication:
Individual sensitivity to product components.
Before reception of a product consult with the doctor if you are pregnant or you nurse, you take any medicine or you plan operation. At emergence of any side effects immediately stop application and consult with the doctor.
of the Condition and periods of storage:
to Store in packing of the producer at a temperature of 15 ° -30 °C in the dry place. To store in the place, inaccessible for children.
Other ingredients:
organic matodekstin, organic soy fiber, cellulose, organic silicon dioxide with extract of rice bran, an organic covering (organic tapiotsitny rtatodeksin, organic lecithin of sunflower, an eco-friendly organic palm tree, guar pitch). Contains soy.
does not contain
wheat or milk, preservatives, artificial dyes, fragrances or sweeteners, stearate of magnesium, GMO.
2 tablets
of Portions in packing:
In one portion
of % of daily requirement
Vitamin A (from organic food mix in the form of beta carotene)
of 450 mkg
of 50%
Vitamin C (from organic food mix, an organic atserota extract (fruit), organic extract of an amla (fruit)
of 60 mg
of 67%
Vitamin D (D3) (as cholecalciferol)
of 20 mkg
of 100%
Vitamin E (as d - alpha tokoferilsutsinat)
of 15 mg
of 100%
Thiamine (B1 vitamin) (from organic food mix)
of 1.2 mg
of 100%
Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin) (from organic food mix)
of 1.3 mg
of 100%
Niatsin (from organic food mix)
of 16 mg
of 100%
B6 Vitamin (from organic food mix)
of 1.7 mg
of 100%
Folate (from organic food mix)
of 400 mkg
of 100%
B12 Vitamin (as metilkobalamin)
of 2.4 mkg
of 100%
Biotin (as d-biotin)
of 30 mkg
of 100%
Pantothenic acid (from organic food mix)
of 5 mg
of 100%
the Organic food mix
providing: (organic curly cabbage (sheet), an organic garden radish daikon (germinated seeds), organic broccoli (germinated seeds), an organic cranberry (berries), organic pumpkin (fruits), organic greens (sheet), organic spinach (sheet), organic asa (fruit), organic blackberry (berries), organic tart cherry (fruit), organic raspberry (fruit), organic bilberry (fruit), organic strawberry (fruit), organic haricot adzuki beans (seeds), organic beet (root), organic broccoli (stalk and a flower), organic ginger (root), organic red lentil (seeds), organic a kinoa (germinated seeds), organic pomegranate (fruit), organic peas (seeds), organic banana (fruit), organic mango (fruit), an organic chlorella (the blossoming part of a plant), an organic spirulina (the blossoming part of a plant), an organic millet (germinated seeds)). (Organic extract of a guava (fruit), organic extract of mango (fruit), organic extract of a lemon (fruit), organic white rice flour (seeds), organic extract of hydrochloric acid of a dunaliyell (alga), organic chlorella (whole plant), organic extract of a sesbaniya (sheet)).
of 1.156 mg (1.15 g)
Organic powder cranberry (fruit)
Organic Aloe Vera (ACTlValoe) (internal part of leaves).
of 1.156 mg (1.15 g)
the Fermented organic greens with organic mix of sprouts (organic curly cabbage (sheet), organic sheet cabbage (sheet), organic broccoli (stalks and flowers), organic headed cabbage (germinated seeds), organic cabbage of broccoli (germinated seeds), organic spinach (sheet), organic curly cabbage (germinated seeds), an organic sprout of mustard grain (germinated seeds), an organic chlorella (the blossoming part of a plant), an organic spirulina (the blossoming part of a plant), an organic garden cress (germinated seeds)).
* the Daily dose is not determined by
of 1.156 mg (1.15 g)
2 tablets
of Portions in packing:
In one portion
of % of daily requirement
Vitamin A (from organic food mix in the form of beta carotene)
of 450 mkg
of 50%
Vitamin C (from organic food mix, an organic atserota extract (fruit), organic extract of an amla (fruit)
of 60 mg
of 67%
Vitamin D (D3) (as cholecalciferol)
of 20 mkg
of 100%
Vitamin E (as d - alpha tokoferilsutsinat)
of 15 mg
of 100%
Thiamine (B1 vitamin) (from organic food mix)
of 1.2 mg
of 100%
Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin) (from organic food mix)
of 1.3 mg
of 100%
Niatsin (from organic food mix)
of 16 mg
of 100%
B6 Vitamin (from organic food mix)
of 1.7 mg
of 100%
Folate (from organic food mix)
of 400 mkg
of 100%
B12 Vitamin (as metilkobalamin)
of 2.4 mkg
of 100%
Biotin (as d-biotin)
of 30 mkg
of 100%
Pantothenic acid (from organic food mix)
of 5 mg
of 100%
the Organic food mix
providing: (organic curly cabbage (sheet), an organic garden radish daikon (germinated seeds), organic broccoli (germinated seeds), an organic cranberry (berries), organic pumpkin (fruits), organic greens (sheet), organic spinach (sheet), organic asa (fruit), organic blackberry (berries), organic tart cherry (fruit), organic raspberry (fruit), organic bilberry (fruit), organic strawberry (fruit), organic haricot adzuki beans (seeds), organic beet (root), organic broccoli (stalk and a flower), organic ginger (root), organic red lentil (seeds), organic a kinoa (germinated seeds), organic pomegranate (fruit), organic peas (seeds), organic banana (fruit), organic mango (fruit), an organic chlorella (the blossoming part of a plant), an organic spirulina (the blossoming part of a plant), an organic millet (germinated seeds)). (Organic extract of a guava (fruit), organic extract of mango (fruit), organic extract of a lemon (fruit), organic white rice flour (seeds), organic extract of hydrochloric acid of a dunaliyell (alga), organic chlorella (whole plant), organic extract of a sesbaniya (sheet)).
of 1.156 mg (1.15 g)
Organic powder cranberry (fruit)
Organic Aloe Vera (ACTlValoe) (internal part of leaves).
of 1.156 mg (1.15 g)
the Fermented organic greens with organic mix of sprouts (organic curly cabbage (sheet), organic sheet cabbage (sheet), organic broccoli (stalks and flowers), organic headed cabbage (germinated seeds), organic cabbage of broccoli (germinated seeds), organic spinach (sheet), organic curly cabbage (germinated seeds), an organic sprout of mustard grain (germinated seeds), an organic chlorella (the blossoming part of a plant), an organic spirulina (the blossoming part of a plant), an organic garden cress (germinated seeds)).
* the Daily dose is not determined by
of 1.156 mg (1.15 g)

organic spirulina (flowering part of the plant), organic millet (germinated seeds)). (Organic guava extract (fruit), organic mango extract (fruit), organic lemon extract (fruit), organic white rice flour (seed), organic dunaliella hydrochloric acid extract (seaweed), organic chlorella (whole plant), organic sesbania extract ( sheet)). 1.156 mg (1.15 g) * Organic Cranberry Powder (fruit) Organic Aloe Vera (ACTlValoe) (inner leaf). 1.156 mg (1.15 g) Fermented organic greens with organic sprout mix (organic kale (leaf), organic collard greens (leaf), organic broccoli (stems and flowers), organic cabbage (sprouted seeds), organic broccoli ( sprouted seeds), organic spinach (leaf), organic kale (germinated seeds), organic mustard seed sprout (germinated seeds), organic chlorella (flowering part of the plant), organic spirulina (flowering part of the plant), organic watercress (germinated seeds)). 1.156 mg (1.15 g) * Daily dose not determined

Reviews Vitamin and Mineral Complex, Real food organics for Women, Country Life, 60 Tablets, Z05288

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Vitamin-mineral complex, Real food organics for Women, Country Life, 60 tablets 1 085, Z05288 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Delivery worldwide, free shipping, world, health, cosmetics, fitness

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