Vitakraft Vita Special for adult guinea pigs (up to 5 years) Production Germany. The granulated forage for adult guinea pigs. The granulated forage for guinea pigs of Vita Special is the functional forage formulated especially for satisfaction of requirements of all stages of life of a rodent. Korm about addition of the Biogerm complex - a vysokokachsetvenny active component from germs of wheat of a cold extraction which are a source of irreplaceable polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F, vitamin E and vitamin D), an antikosidantny complex and also the balanced polyvitaminic complex in an usvoyaemy form - vitamins E, A, D, F, PP, carotinoids, pantothenic and folic acids and minerals, including zinc. Besides, the forage contains "anti-began to smell" a complex - a combination of the vegetable additives promoting reduction of natural unpleasant smells in the house. date editing description: 29.10.2021
Vitakraft Vita Special for adult guinea pigs (up to 5 years)
- Product Code: MX22872
- In Stock
- Ready to ship