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Virbac Milpro (Milpro) Anthelminthic tablets for dogs (more than 5 kg) Pharmacotherapeutic group of medicine: the combined anthelminthic medicines. The combination of a milbemitsin of an oksim and the prazikvantel which are a part of medicine provides a wide range of its anthelminthic action on adults tsestod: Dipylidium caninum; Taenia spp., Echinococcus spp., Mesocestoides spp. and nematodes: Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Trichuris vulpis, Thelazia callipaeda, Crenosoma vulpis, Angiostrongylus vasorum and also is active against Dirofilaria immitis larvae. Sostav: 1 tablet (665 mg) contains active ingredients: a milbemitsina oksy - 12.5 mg, prazikvantet - 125.0 mg Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose (type 102) of sodium of a kroskarmelloz, microcrystalline cellulose (type 101), magnesias stearate, is seen, silicon dioxide hydrophobic colloidal. Milbemitsina oksy - the macrocyclic lactone received as a result of enzymatic activity of Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. Aureolacrimosus, is active concerning larvae and an imago of the nematodes parasitizing in digestive tract of dogs and also Dirofilaria immitis nematode larvae. The mechanism of action of a milbemitsin is caused by increase in permeability of membranes of nematodes and insects for chlorine ions by means of a glutamate - dependent chloride channels (relating to GAMKA and to glycine receptors of vertebrata). It leads to hyperpolarization of cell membranes of nervous and muscle tissue, peripheral paralysis and death of a parasite. Praziquantel is to the acylated pyrazinisoquinoline derivatives, possesses the expressed action against tsestod at all stages of development. Increasing permeability of cellular membranes of a parasite for calcium ions, causes depolarization of membranes, reduction of muscles and destruction of the tegument that leads of a parasite to death and promotes his removal from an animal organism. The maximum concentration of a milbemitsin of an oksim in plasma of blood of dogs is reached within 2-4 hours, elimination half-life of tj/2 about 1 - 4 days, the bioavailability is about 80%. Connection is brought out of an organism generally in not changed look. The maximum concentration of a prazikvantel in plasma of blood of dogs is reached in 0.5-4 hours. Elimination half-life of t1/2 about 1.5 hours. Connection is exposed to fast and almost full biotransformation in a liver to monohydroxylated (it is also possible to di - and trigidroksilirovanny) derivatives which, before removal generally communicate with glyukoronidy and/or sulfate. Binding level in plasma is about 80%, is brought out of an organism with urine, up to 90% within 2 days. The order primeneniyamilpro a mastiff is appointed to dogs with the medical and preventive purpose at the nematodoza, tsestodoza and the mixed nematodo-tsestodozny invasions caused by both larval forms, and mature tsestoda and nematodes of the following types: Tsestoda: Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus spp., Mesocestoides spp. Nematodes: Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonine, Trichuris vulpis, Crenosoma vulpis, Thelazia callipaeda, Angiostrongylus vasorum (reduces intensity of infection), Dirofilaria immitis (prevention of a disease). Contraindications to use of medicine of Milpro a mastiff are hypersensibility of an animal to components of medicine and the expressed dysfunction of a liver and kidneys. Ne should apply Milpro a mastiff to puppies more young than 2 weeks age and weighing less than 0.5 kg. The mastiff for large dogs is forbidden to apply Milpro to dogs weighing less than 5 kg. Ne also patients with infectious diseases animals are subject to expulsion of helminths exhausted. Milpro a mastiff is applied orally, in morning feeding with a small amount of a forage or enter forcibly on a language root after feeding in the minimum therapeutic dose 0.5 mg milbemitsin an oksima and 5 mg of a prazikvantel on 1 kg of mass of an animal from calculation: The mass of an animal, Milpros kg a mastiff for puppies and little dogs (oval beige color) a mastiff for large dogs (round beige color) 0,5 - 1 1/2 tablets - 1 - 5 1 tablet - 5 - 10 2 tablets 1 tablet 10 - 25 - 1 tablet 25 - 50 - 2 tablets 50 - 75 - 3 tablets of the Preliminary hungry diet and use of depletive before expulsion of helminths is not required to Milpro. Of expulsion of helminths of dogs at the invasion caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum Milpros tablets a mastiff apply Dl with the medical purpose quadruple with an interval of 7 days, for the purpose of prevention - each 4 weeks in a therapeutic dose. Dl of expulsion of helminths of dogs at the invasion caused by Thelazia callipaeda in cases if single application is not enough, medicine is applied repeatedly in 7 days. For the purpose of prevention of a dirofilyarioz, in regions, unsuccessful on a disease, medicine is applied during the spring and aestivo-autumnal period: before summer of mosquitoes and mosquitoes (carriers of the D. immitis activator) once, then once a month and last time in a season not earlier than in 1 month after end of summer of insects. Before expulsion of helminths, it is necessary to consult with the veterinarian to exclude presence at an animal in blood of mikrofilyariya. At overdose of medicine at some dogs the depression, refusal of a forage, salivation, paresis of muscles, a shiver and (or) shaky gait can be observed. These symptoms pass spontaneously within a day and do not demand use of medicines. Features of action at the beginning of intake of medicine of Milpro a mastiff and at his cancellation are noted. Expulsion of helminths of pregnant women and feeding a bough if necessary is carried out under observation of the veterinarian. When carrying out expulsion of helminths it is necessary to adhere to the recommended dispensing mode. In case of the admission of the next processing the use of medicine is resumed in the same dose in the same mode of dispensing. At Milpros application the mastiff according to the present instruction of by-effects and complications at use of medicine according to the present instruction, as a rule, is not observed. At some animals the slackness, an ataxy, a tremor of muscles, vomiting and/or diarrhea can be observed. In these cases the use of medicine is stopped and to an animal appoint means of symptomatic therapy. Treatment of dogs with a large number of the circulating mikrofilyariya sometimes can lead to emergence of reaction of the hypersensitivity which is followed by pallor of mucous membranes, vomiting, a shiver, the complicated breath or the increased salivation. These reactions are connected with release of proteins from the dead or dying mikrofilyariya and are not direct toxic action of a product therefore Milpros application a mastiff is not recommended to dogs with an intensive mikrofilyariyemiya. Dogs of breed of a collie, a sheltie or other related breeds are more sensitive to manifestation of side effect of medicine. Preparat of Milpro a mastiff is compatible with selamektiny, data on compatibility of medicine with other macrocyclic lactones are absent. Preparat is not intended for application to productive animals. Producer: Virbac Sp. z o.o., Poland Product code: 069242 - Virbac Milpro (Milpro) Anthelminthic tablets for dogs (more than 5 kg) (packing 4 tablets) date editing the description: 27.01.2020

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Virbac Milpro (Milpro) Anthelmintic tablets for dogs (over 5 kg)

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