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Vectra 3D (Vectra 3D) Drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml)

Vectra 3D (Vectra 3D) Drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml)
Vectra 3D (Vectra 3D) Drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml)
Vectra 3D (Vectra 3D) Drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml)
Vectra 3D (Vectra 3D) Drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml)
Vectra 3D (Vectra 3D) Drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml)
Vectra 3D (Vectra 3D) Drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml)
Vectra 3D (Vectra 3D) Drops on the withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml)
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: MX25096
  • Weight: 0.34kg

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Ceva Vectra 3D (Vektra 3D) Drops on withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml) the Dosage form and packing: Drops on withers have practically no smell, a dog it is possible to process houses. It is packed into polyethylene pipettes with the extended and rounded off applicator, of 0.8 ml (1.5-4 kg); 1.6 ml (4-10 kg); 3.6 ml (10-25 kg); 4.7 ml (25-40 kg) and 8.0 ml (40-65 kg) which pack 3 pieces into cardboard boxes. Sostav in 1 ml of medicine: Active ingredients: dinotefuron - 54 mg; permethrin - 397 mg; piriproksifen - 4.48 mg; Additional substances: N-octyl-2-pirolidon, N-methyl pirolidon. Pharmacological properties: Sredstvo has insektoakaritsidny activity concerning larval and mature phases of development of the parasitizing insects. Permethrin which changes permeability of membranes for sodium ions is a part of medicine and by that blocks transfer of nervous impulses of a parasite that leads to his paralysis and death. Dinotefuron - derivative guanidine, treats neurotoxins of a class of neonikotinoid, affects postsynaptic atsetilkholinovy receptors of nervous system, causing death of insects. Dinotefuron promotes especially active destruction of a large number of species of semi-coleopterous insects parasites (including bugs). Piriproksifen - an analog of hormone which regulates growth and development of insects, such as fleas. Its action consists in violation of a usual cycle of development of an insect - egg, a larva, a doll and then an adult individual. Interferes with full development and causes death of insects at a stage of development of dolls that leads to reduction of ektoparazit. The active Vectra 3D components, practically without getting to blood, collect in epidermis, hair bulbs and sebaceous glands of an animal. It they have long insektoakaritsidny and repellent effect, creating a protective barrier at contact with which the parasitizing insects perish, without managing to bite a dog. Sredstvo breaks a krovososaniye at parasites in 5 minutes, they begin to perish in 2 hours after putting medicine, and within 6 hours there occurs death of all population of parasites. Interrupts a cycle of development of fleas, preventing repeated infection. Death and striking off of ixodic pincers happens within 48 hours after processing. Preparat protects a dog from ektoparazit within 30 days. Preparat on extent of impact on an organism treats low-dangerous substances (the 3rd hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76). At hit in eyes causes moderate irritation. Pokazaniya: Dlya of extermination of fleas, louses, vlasoyed (Trichodectes canis), ixodic pincers (Ixodes ricinus, Dermacentor variabilis, Dermacentor reticulatus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus), flies-zhigalok, mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes. Treatment of the allergic dermatitis caused by stings of fleas is recommended to be begun with use of the medicine Vectra 3D. The efficiency of means against the scabby pincers, louses, sandy front sights and other blood-sicking insects parasitizing on dogs is clinically proved. Drops I begin to affect in two hours after drawing wool and leather of a dog. Dosage and method of application: 1) Remove the pipette from packing.2) Holding the pipette vertically, to arrange big and index fingers of one hand under a big disk of the applicator, other hand carry an applicator tip over a small disk and with effort to press down to an emphasis in a big disk, having pierced the membrane sealing the pipette (a photo 1 and 2).3) to Move apart hair of an animal and to apply medicine to the dry uninjured skin in several points along a backbone that the animal could not pinch medicine. Doza and the number of appliques are specified in the table: Mass of an animal Obyem of the pipette Number of pipettes, piece. The number of places of drawing (to see a photo below) 1.5 - 4.0 kg 0.8 ml 1 1 (a photo 1) 4.1 - 10.0 kg 1.6 ml 1 2 (a photo 2) 10.1 - 25.0 kg 3.6 ml 1 3 (a photo 3) 25.1 - 40.0 kg 4.7 ml 1 4 (a photo 4) 40.1 - 65.0 kg 8.0 ml 1 5 Repeated processing are recommended to be carried out regularly within a year, is not more often than 1 time in 30 days. Preparat it is not necessary to apply to the moist or injured skin. Attention!!! Ne should wash an animal within 48 hours after processing. Ne is recommended to apply other insektoakaritsidny medicines at the same time. Features of effect of medicine at the first application or at its cancellation are not revealed. It is important not to break the mode of use of medicine as it can lead to decrease in its efficiency. By-effects and complications at use of medicine according to the instruction were not observed. At the increased individual sensitivity of an animal to components of medicine there can be reactions: excess salivation, dacryagogue, signs of irritation of skin. In such cases medicine should be washed away carefully water with detergent and to give the antihistaminic medicines recommended by the doctor. Protivopokazaniya: Use of medicine to puppies aged up to 7 weeks, to the dogs weighing less than 1.5 kg weakened and old animals, and also pregnant and feeding boughs is allowed only after consultation with the veterinarian. To apply Ne to cats. Storage conditions: To store at a temperature from 2 °C to 25 °C, in the protected from light, dry place, separately from forages and food. Producer: Ceva Sante Animale, France Product code: 281565 - Vectra 3D (Vektra 3D) Drops on withers for dogs weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg (0.8 ml) date editing the description: 20.11.2020