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Urine Off Dog and Puppies Removal of a smell and tags of urine of dogs and puppies of Urine Off is not the masking means with perfumery composition. It actually destroys 3 main components of urine Krom of a smell means eliminates urine spots – including old spots. - Action of this means is absolutely safe for animals. - Liniya of a product – bioenzymatic cleaner. It has the correct combination of enzymes and other components for destruction of crystals of uric acid. Volume: 200 ml. Suitability term: it is unlimited at observance of storage conditions the Producer: "Bio-Pro Research", 1701 Biotech Way, Sarasota, Florida 34243, USA Kak works with UrineOff? - It is so good that it quickly to cope even with strongly started problem places with high concentration of residues of urine... And even dogs and cats will not be able to find an urine smell which often is a push to their undesirable behavior. What principle of work of UrineOff? To understand how UrineOff works, it is important to learn a little about urine. Urine consists of three main components: 1 - urea - slightly viscous substance; 2 - the pigment urokhry - which gives to urine yellow color; 3 - uric acid - the soft acid rich with nitrogen. Uric acid contains insoluble crystals of salt which cause the greatest difficulties during their removal from a surface or fabric, crystals of uric acid are exclusively insoluble and densely contact a surface. After initial cleaning usual means and drying of a spot can seem that the problem is solved. Nevertheless, any kind of liquid reacts with the remained crystals, and the smell returns, same strong as before. Dlya of the ordinary consumer exists the deodorants destroying an urine smell from most of which part consists of surfactants (detergents) and the masking substance which molecules envelop urine molecules, imprisoning them in the capsule, pressurizing a smell thus. The lack of this approach is that the effect of sealing quickly passes, and the spot in most cases is not removed at all and any of these means cannot influence the old and dried-up residues of urine. And even when the urine smell is practically not defined by people, animals easily find it and mark the same place again and again, despite all our actions. UrineOff enzymes are specially developed and integrated so that "to eat" crystals of uric acid, in addition deleting other components of urine. Effektivnost at a distance of these crystals also distinguishes UrineOffot of other means. Esli a smell is destroyed and the spot is removed, the problem is solved. UrineOff has a pleasant citrus smell which disappears when drying means. As for competitors, we have different approaches to spots and a smell. Competitors offer as well disinfection and it means that their ingredients differ from UrineOff® ingredients radically. Acids, perokis, ammonia – all this old methods of cleaning. These ingredients are dangerous both to people, and to pets. They can damage carpets, fabrics and other materials. It is quite probable that their products are not eco-friendly substance. UrineOff® developed own mix of enzymes and bacteria which is a basis of safe cleaning and giving the chance to avoid use of the caustic chemicals unsafe for people. UrineOff® not only does not pollute the environment, but also in most cases surpasses chemical cleaners. And the most important that UrineOff® eliminates pungent smells, destroying a source of a smell. Earlier many cleaners used dangerous chemicals for removal of spots of urine. The majority of these "cleaners" were actually only deodorants which changed a smell. Such deodorant works only a few days, and then the smell returns. UrineOff® destroys urine, began to smell it, the dried residues of urine, and deletes spots which urine could make on a carpet or furniture. You ever cleaned Esli after the cat or a dog, you have to know how difficult sometimes happens to remove spots of urine and began to smell it. The reason of why it is so difficult to remove a smell of such spot, is in the crystals of uric acid found in urine of cats and dogs. Any type of urine of mammals, be it the person or an animal, contains crystals of uric acid which can be removed only by means of cleaner on the basis of enzymes. The traditional means containing soap or strong chemicals cannot work as they do not break crystals of uric acid. The only effective means of removal of spots and a smell of urine are the products which are specially developed to connect and destroy uric acid. Quite so also bioenezimny means of UrineOff® works. It is the soft and safe cleaner which is not doing harm to neither people, nor animals. It can be used on carpets, floors, furniture, clothes and on laying for animals. This product is considered chemical cleaner of small risk and meets the most rigid standards. This product is classified as: Ne pathogenic Ne toxic Ne cancerogenic Ne biocidal (not destroying live bacteria) does not contain Not caustic This product: alcohol ammonia acid chlorine peroxide or any other dangerous materials UrineOff® represents new technology and eyonelzya to part as the correct concentration of bacteria and enzymes does not allow to make a formula cheaper. And if the price is only an important factor, it is possible to use usual water. Earlier only this way also did. Of course, it is inefficient, but costs much cheaper. Application of UrineOffna Dls carpets of fresh spots: Esli you plan to wash up a carpet and an upholstery, make it after remove a smell and a spot by means of UrineOff. Carefully wipe urine a napkin or a paper towel. Using the "stream (stream)" mode on a cap moisten a spot of urine and the lower lining with means of UrineOff. (Dlya of removal of a spot and a smell means has to contact completely to all materials impregnated with urine). Give to means to dry on air. After the spot and a smell are destroyed, remove the remains with use of a small amount of water and wipe moisture a napkin or a paper towel. It is important to remove all remains as they can detain dirt. Dlya of the old dried spots: Keep in mind that long finding of urine actually burns out paint in a carpet. Such damage meets not often, but even full removal of urine will not be able to restore coloring. We strongly recommend to use the Urin Off device of Black Layt for detection of spots of urine. Dlya put removals of old and difficult spots from above and from below processed area a film not to allow UrineOffbystro liquid to dry. Pay attention that at the first application of UrineOffzapah of urine at first can become more intensively. It is normal for old and strong residues of urine and shows that urine becomes limp and rises to the surface. After several hours remove a film and dry wipe damp area a napkin. Repeat the procedure in the next days until the spot becomes visible (3-4 procedures are possible) and the smell does not disappear. After the spot and a smell are destroyed, remove the remains with use of a small amount of water and wipe moisture a napkin or a paper towel. It is important to remove all remains as they can detain dirt. Application of UrineOff on wooden floors and a parquet of the Spot of urine on wooden floors are the most difficult deleted, especially if they became already black from dirt. Black spots specify that stratifications of dry crystals of uric acid were already formed and also wood damage as acids of urine burned out tannin in a tree takes place. UrineOff is capable to remove completely a smell, and after several procedures and stratification of dry crystals of uric acid. Nevertheless, color of wood will not be able to be restored. It means that after removal by means of UrineOff of a black spot on wood there can be a gray or blackish spot which represents a burn of uric acid. Esli extent of decolouration is unacceptable, it is necessary to carry out finishing of this place (polishing). In many cases the grinding by a skin can remove the damaged tree to acceptable level. Apply UrineOff on a floor, urine will rise to the surface. In 30 minutes wipe a floor dry napkins or paper towels. Continue to make such procedure every 30 minutes until the smell disappears. Each processing will improve a condition of a surface, it will be visible that spots become lighter less in the diameter until residues of urine are removed absolutely. date editing description: 12.06.2021

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Urine Off Dog and Puppies Removal of odor and urine marks from dogs and puppies

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