Название документа

Unisan Antifungal and antibacterial ointment Dosage form and packing: Maz for external use of white color with a characteristic smell. Packaged in aluminum tubas on 15 gr. packed by the piece into cardboard boxes complete with the instruction for application. Pharmacological (biological) properties and effects: Owns the expressed antiseptic action. Its components effective concerning vegetative forms of gram-positive and gramnotritsatelny bacteria and also yeast, dermatophytes, lipophilic viruses, chlamydias. Besides, medicine owns anti-inflammatory, knitting, local analgeziruyushchy actions. Owing to the gipertonichnost, Unisan ointment strengthens an ekssudation, accelerates the course of purulent inflammatory processes, renders assistance to clarification and healing of the infected wounds. The microcell the zinc which is a part of ointment is irreplaceable for normal functioning of skin. Sostav: 1 g of medicine contains: a chlorhexidina of the biglyukonat - 10 mg, zinc oxide - the 50th mgvspomogatelny substances: a dimethyl sulfoxide, PEG-1500, water the distilled Pokazaniya to application: Maz for treatment of dogs, cats, a big horn of treatment of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, rabbits, birds at the diseases of skin caused by a bakteralna and fungal microflora namely: at a stafilokokkoza of skin, a piodermiya (all types), impetiginous eczema, candidiasis of skin (milkwoman), dermatomikoza (trichophytia, a microsporia), seborrhea, external otitis, purulent wounds, superficial abscesses, burns. Order of application and dosage: Maz is applied with a thin layer on an affected area of skin by 1-2 times a day to an absolute recovery. Duration of application is caused ​​ by a type of pathological process. Anyway it is necessary to apply ointment, at least, for 2-3 days after disappearance of clinical symptoms of a disease. At fungal diseases medicine is applied for 7-10 days after disappearance of clinical symptoms of a disease. At purulent wounds and abscesses impregnate with ointment gauze napkins with which fill a wound or a cavity of abscess. Bandagings will see every day to full clarification from is purulent - necrotic masses. Into deep emptiness ointment is entered in the warmed-up view with the help of the syringe (without needle). Protivopokazaniya: Individual intolerance. Sleduyet to avoid hit of ointment on a mucous membrane of eyes. Caution: Simultaneous use of medicines of iodine in order to avoid development of dermatitis is undesirable. Measures of personal prevention: When performing treatment with use of medicine it is necessary to follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety measures provided during the work with medicines. After use of medicine it is necessary to wash up hands with soap. People with hypersensibility to components of medicine should avoid direct contact with medicine. It is necessary to avoid contact with eyes. At accidental hit of medicine on skin or his mucous membranes it is necessary to wash away immediately a water jet, at hit inside - to see a doctor. At itself to have the instruction for application or the label. The empty package from under medicine is subject to utilization with household waste. Storage conditions: An expiration date - 2 years. Storages in the dark place at a temperature from 5 ° up to 25 °C. Producer: CJSC NPF Biofarm, Ukraine Product code: 510118 - Unisan Antifungal and antibacterial ointment (15 gr) date editing description: 12.02.2020

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Unisan Antifungal and antibacterial ointment

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