In nayavnost_ great vib_r plat_vka z ukra§nsky narodny p_snyam that chas_v radyansky to the union. Wholesale to a deshevsha.
1. In suz_r ї to friendship (Krimska area), z respublkansky to a festival of a samod_yalny mistetstv of Ukra§nsko ї RSR, vipusk 3, 30 UAH
2. The Polesia national choir "Lenok" of 120 UAH
3.Fonokhrestomat_ya z ukra§nsko ї l_teratur for the 5th to the class Ditinstvo Shevchenka, T. Shevchenko "Yakbi vi knew, panich і", M. Vovchok "Gorpin" of 35 UAH
4. M. Arkas "Katerina" the opera 2 d і ї behind the poem T.G. Shevchenka of 150 UAH
5. Fonokhrestomat_ya z ukra§nsko ї l_teratur for the 5th to B. Gmirs class "Oh Bogdan", Kapela bandurist_v Ukra§nsko ї RSR "Oh, Kuvat a Zozulenk", "P_snya about the Canoe" of t. і. 25 UAH
6. Fonokhrestomat_ya z ukra§nsko ї l_teratur for the 5th to a class P. Tichina, O. Novitsky, Hor Veryovki, N. Matv і є t Nko. і. 20 UAH
7. Derzhavny ukra§nsky ynarodny chorus _m. "I glorify G. Veryovki part_yu", "Zelen hm_l", "Are across the field wide є", Vesnyanka of t. і. 40 UAH
8. Derzhavny ukra§nsky ynarodny chorus _m. "I glorify with G. Veryovki part_yu", "Zelen hm_l", Kolomiyka, "Oh on gor_ that sukhiya dubik", "Hlopts і, a game і" t. і. 50 UAH
9. Mi Z Ukra§ni, K_rovogradska "Len_n on a Sv_ta to a _da" area, etc. 30 UAH
10. In suz_r ї to friendship, K_rovoradska of 30 UAH
Hmelnitsk of 30 UAH, Ternop_lsk oblast_ 30 UAH
11. In suz_r ї to friendship, K_rovoradska the area "Zbratana Homeland", "Ukra§nsky Dance", "Tuman Ardent to Slide", "Perep_lochka", "Alyosha", "Chekayte Us", "Cheremukha" of t. і. 30 UAH
12. Ukrainian souvenir (plates) "To Rewa that to the stoyena", "Step, step", "Dudarik і shchedrik", "To Paula mo є, field", "Uvertyura to the opera "Taras Bulba"" that _n." 300 UAH
13. A. Mokrenko Ukr narodn_ p_sn_ "At a sus_d a hut of a b_l", "Oh, not tsv_t a buyny tsv_t" that _n. 100 UAH
14. To the sister Bayko "Vesnyana p_snya", "V_nok Len_nu", Yag_lochk that _n. 80 UAH
15. B. Gmir Ukrainian songs and romances of 70 UAH
16. Majestically chapel bandurist_v ukra§nsko ї RSR of 80 UAH
17. Evgeny Kozak. Songs "Oh, Dzvenyat P_sn _", "V_vcharik" of t. і. 40 UAH
18. =vdok_ya Kolesnik Ukra§nsk_ narodn_ p_sn_ (kamerny orchestra) 50 UAH
19. Hor of a veryovka "To Rewa that to the stoyena", "Zapov_t", "Oh, at cherry a sadochka", "Zakuvala that Siwa zozulya, "Step" that _n 40 UAH
20. Tr_o of banduristka Maya Golenko, Tamara Gritsenko, N_na Pisarenko of 100 UAH
21. D. Hnatiuk Ukra§nsk_ p_sn_ 100 UAH
22. O. B_lash "Os_nn є listya" that _n.70 UAH
23. State. Ukrainian of plank beds. chorus of a rope "Tsv_te teren", "Viyshli in the field kosar і", "Bil to exchange of MATI", "It is silent over a r_chka" that _n. 40 UAH
24. "Oh, having burst a hoop", "That crowds the man" Gmirs B of 80 UAH
25. State chapel of bandura players of URSR of 80 UAH
26. Polesia national choir Lyonok of 70 UAH
27. Trio of banduristka of N. Pavlenko, V. Tretyakov. T. Polishchuk "M_syats on neb і", that "Gutsulka Ksenya" _n. 70 UAH
Ukra§nsk_ p_sn_ (great vib_r)
- Product Code: MX53960
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