Название документа



General characteristic:

international and chemical names: benzoyl peroxide;

main physical and chemical properties: uniform creamy lotion of white color with a characteristic slight smell peroxide benzoyl;

Structure of 1 ml of lotion contains 0.1 g of benzoyl of peroxide;

excipients: dinatrium edetat, karbopol 940, Bry 30th diisopropanolamine, the water purified.

release Form.


Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Local means for treatment of an acne. ATCD10A E01 code.

Pharmacological properties.

Pharmacodynamics. Benzoyl peroxide possesses antiseptic and keratolytic properties, brakes (as a result of oxygen release) development of anaerobic microorganisms of Propiobacterium in eels, promotes clarification of a time.

Pharmacokinetics. Drug gets into skin where is subject metabolism, turning into benzoic acid. It is removed with urine in the form of benzoic acid. About 5% are removed with urine in not changed look.


Drug is used by

for topical treatment and prevention of acne rash (Acne vulgaris) at adults and teenagers.


Drug to apply to

with a thin layer on the washed-up ivisushena the skin affected with eels carefully to rub finger-tips before full absorption. To begin use with 1 time a day, then, in case of need, 2 - 3 times a day. The optimum therapeutic effect usually develops within 8 - 12 weeks from the beginning of use. In the preventive purposes it is recommended to continue use of lotion for receiving permanent remission. The course of treatment should not exceed three months. Drug should not be used to elderly people. In hard cases application of Ugresolukombinuyut with other means for treatment of an acne. Before application to stir up a bottle several times.

Side effect.

Drug can cause the irritation which is followed by reddening, peeling or a cutaneous dropsy, causing caumesthesia, burnings and the nagger. The small irritation can be removed, having reduced medicine use frequency (once a day or every other day). At strong irritation it is necessary to stop lotion use.


Individual sensitivity to peroxide benzoyl.


overdose Symptoms: excessive hyperaemia, dryness, burning, itch, peeling or cutaneous dropsy. It is recommended to wipe skin with the gauze or cotton plug moistened with vegetable oil. These symptoms demand medical intervention only when they do not pass for a long time and cause concern. Sometimes there is a need to apply the cream or ointments containing glucocorticosteroids.

Features of application. To avoid hit in eyes and on mucous membranes. Drug can decolour hair, eyebrows and the painted fabrics. For prevention of reaction of hypersensitivity the trial putting solution on the small site of skin on a wrist is recommended. If during 48 h in it to mistsizyavitsya hypostasis or an itch with the expressed hyperaemia, it is not recommended to apply Ugresol. Emergence peeling and erubescence gives the period of imaginary deterioration within the first weeks of treatment. After consultation with the doctor it is possible to use at pregnancy and a lactation.

Interaction with other medicines. Simultaneous application Ugresol with other medicines for treatment of eels, the containing resorcins, salicylic acid, sulfur, tretinoin and also the medicines containing alcohol, aftershave lotions, creams and lotions for shaving, medical cosmetics, abrasive and medical soaps, cleaners for the person can cause cumulative irritation tayefekt the increased xeroderma. The combination Ugresol with other medicines is carried out only according to doctor's instructions.

Storage conditions

to Store

in the places inaccessible for children, at the room temperature. An expiration date - 2 years.

Source: Ugresol, instruction, use of the medicine Ugresol Losyon of 10% on 30 ml, No. 1

Active ingredients Benzoyl peroxide
Amount of active ingredient 100 mg/ml
Applicant Pharma Science
Code of automatic telephone exchange D10AE01 Benzoyl peroxide
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Not sensitive
Market status Traditional
Origin Chemical
Prescription status Without prescription
Primary packing bottle
Quantity in packing 30 ml
Release form solution for external use
Route of administration External
Sign Import
Storage temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Ugresol

Reviews Ugresol lotion of 10% fl. 30 ml

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Ugresol lotion of 10% fl. 30 ml

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  • $28.01

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