Prirodas TM ProfiLayn of the Drop from fleas and ticks for dogs (from 10 to 20 kg) of OpisanieProzrachnaya liquid of light yellow color with a specific smell. SostavPreparat contains active ingredients: fipronit — 10%; S-metopren — 10%. Excipients: propylene glycol. Pharmacological svoystvaats vet QP53, ektoparazititsida, insecticides and repellents (QP53AX65, fipronil-combinations). Preparat treats the combined insect-acaricidal medicines. Has the expressed effect in preimaginalny and imaginal phases of development on fleas (Ctenocephalides spp.), louses (Linognathus spp.), vlasoyed (Trichodectes canis, Felicola subrostratus) and parazitiformny pincers (Rhipicephalus spp., Dermacentor spp., Ixodes spp.) which parasitize on a body of dogs and cats. The mechanism of action of a fipronil consists in blocking GAMK-zavisimykh of receptors of parasites, violation of transfer of nervous impulses that leads to damage of nervous system of ektoparazit and their death. Fipronil does not influence the central nervous system animal.S-metopren is a regulator of growth of insects, belongs to the class of the connections known as analogs of juvenile hormone which suppress development of unripe forms of insects. S-metopren promotes formation of chitin and by that breaks development of fleas at stages of egg, a larva and a doll. Ovotsidny action of S-metoprena is shown as a result of direct penetration into a cover of the laid eggs. PrimenenieProfilaktika and treatment of dogs and cats at the diseases caused by ektoparazita: fleas (Ctenocephalides spp.), louses (Linognathus spp.), vlasoyedam (Trichodectes canis, Felicola subrostratus) and parazitiformny pincers (Rhipicephalus spp., Dermacentor spp., Ixodes spp.). Prevention and treatment of dogs and cats at flea allergic dermatitis. DozirovkaPreparat apply outwardly, applying him directly to skin to the places inaccessible for licking (the site of withers and along a backbone). Preparat apply to the dry uninjured skin. Take out the pipette with a single dose and, holding vertically, cut off a tip. Divide hair of an animal and apply medicine directly to skin between shovels at the neck basis. Preparat apply different packing according to the minimum dose which depends on the body weight of an animal. Dogs, kg weight Doza of medicine, ml the Number of pipettes, piece up to 4 kg 0.5 ml 1 pieces from 4 to 10 kg 1.0 ml 1 pieces from 10 to 20 kg 2.0 ml 1 pieces from 20 to 40 kg 3.0 ml 1 pieces from 40 and more Corresponding combination of pipettes for the purpose of prevention of animals from defeats of an ektoparazitama it is necessary to change or process periodically the corresponding insecticides of a laying for animals and to carry out regular cleaning of places of their stay. Processing of animals is carried out during seasonal activity of parasites if necessary, but not more often than once in 30 days. ProtivopokazaniyaN to apply the patient exhausted and weakened by an animal. To apply Ne to puppies and kittens aged up to 8 weeks. To apply Ne an animal with individual hypersensibility to medicine components. To apply Ne together with other insektoakaritsidny medicines. PredosterezheniePri to work with medicine to follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety measures adopted during the work with veterinary medicines. To carry out processing of animals with use of rubber gloves. After completion of work it is necessary to wash up carefully hands, and if necessary and gloves, warm water with soap. At accidental hit of medicine on skin, mucous membranes or in eyes they need to be washed out a large amount of flowing water. To HranenieHranit medicine in the place, dry dark inaccessible for children and animals, separately from food and forages, at a temperature from 0 °C to 30 °C. Producer: LLC NPP Suzirya., Ukraine Product code: 412693 - Prirodas TM ProfiLayn of the Drop from fleas and ticks for dogs (from 10 to 20 kg) date editing the description: 22.05.2020
TM Priroda ProfiLine Drops from fleas and ticks for dogs (from 10 to 20 kg)
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