Название документа
  • TM
The structure of this delicacy for parrots is thought over so that as much as possible to correspond to a diet of the birds living in the natural environment. Except the list grain, delicacy contains dried apples and grapes in which there are a vitamin C and natural antioxidants. Thanks to such structure, delicacy strengthens immunity of parrots, increases their resilience to diseases and slows down aging processes.

of of Advantage:
  • Delicacy has the nutritious and balanced structure.
  • it is Most approximate to a natural diet.
  • is Improved by immunity.
Structure : flax seeds, oats golozerny, colza, millet, corn, seeds of sunflower, croup pea, millet, dried grapes, dried
apples of Additive : drinking water, wheat flour, natural food color
Packing: 2 pieces / unitary enterprise .
140 g
* the Information on ingredients and nutriyentny structure of a forage, norms of feeding on the website is reference. All information on a product is provided directly on packing.

of Producer : TM "Nature", LLC NPP Suzirya, Ukraine
Bird species Parrots
Delicacy type Crackers (grain sticks)

Reviews TM & quot; Природа" A multifruit cone for parrots of the average sizes

5 Rating 1 Reviews


TM "Nature" the Multifruit cone for parrots of the average sizes

  • Product Code: 135691
  • In Stock

  • Ready to ship
  • $15.36

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Tags: Feeding of birds, Delicacies for birds,

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