Description Training designer of Makeblock Music Robot Kit v2.0
Makeblock Music Robot Kit v2.0 Robot designer reproduces music on a xylophone. The designer allows to create the automatic musician with a huge set of opportunities. It is possible to enter music into the device in three ways – gestures, on the keyboard of the connected PC, having created a tune in the program in advance. The movement of a hammer provides the high-quality step motor, and calculations are executed by the ME Orion board based on Ardunio UNO. The designer is complemented with a band of LEDs – they show of what harmony the blow of a ksilofonny hammer is the share. Sign management is monitored by the ultrasonic module, for visualization of process the color band with a marking of frets is applied.
Makeblock Music Robot Kit v2.0 Robot designer – the advanced version. The new option offers the improved management and electronics – with the designer of the second generation, on a xylophone it is possible to execute rather difficult tunes with ease. Music Robot Kit can independently be used or as a part of more difficult device. Set contains more than 100 elements among which: ME Orion board, xylophone, HEX screw-driver of 2.5 mm, cross 3 mm, wrench, film LED RGB, engine 42BYG, RJ25 adapter, cables, switches, laying, fixing and constructional elements. The majority of components of the designer is made of strong light aluminum with the anodized surface – the robot will differ in high wear resistance, to it corrosion and frequent intensive use will not be terrible. Music Robot Kit – a practical set for studying robotics, programming and development of musical abilities. Intended for beginners, the robot designer will help to deal easily with elements and to pass to really complex works without fatigue and tension.
Characteristic Training designer of Makeblock Music Robot Kit v2.0The training designer of Makeblock Music Robot Kit v2.0
- Product Code: MY-1008632
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