Description Designer of the LEGO Super Heroes Robot spider against Venom (76115)
Combine efforts with the Spiderman and the Illusive spider to save the aunt Mai from paws of the huge Venoma robot. Shoot mechanical spiders and a web with weapon of the robot of the Spiderman. Beware of poisonous language and claws of the Venoma robot. Begin the impudent attack on the hoverboard of the Illusive spider. By means of claws of the robot of the Spiderman catch Venom and put an end to attack of spiteful symbiotes.
Characteristic Designer of the LEGO Super Heroes Robot spider against Venom (76115)
Article: of- Type set of details
- For whom for boys
- Subject heroes of fairy tales and animated films
- designers Series LEGO Super Heroes
- Type set of details
- For whom for boys
- Subject heroes of fairy tales and animated films
- Quantity of details 600 - 999
- designers Series LEGO Super Heroes
- Material Plasticity
- Quantity of details 604
The designer of the LEGO Super Heroes Robot spider against Venom (76115)
- Product Code: MY-1008708
- In Stock
- Ready to ship