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The first studio album. Production Russia.
Audio CD disk in the Mini LPs format (digital copy of a vinyl record) — Please Please Me - "Please, Please Me" - the first album The Beatles released on March 22, 1963 without delay success a sorokopyatok of "Please Please Me" (No. 2) and "Love Me Do" (No. 17). From fourteen songs of an album eight were written by Lennon-McCartney. Eto it was unusual to the groups of that time which were mainly rehashing someones songs. Kak noted the Rolling Stone magazine later, release of this album of Bitlz invented "a new type of the rock group playing own instruments hits of own composition."
Tracklist: the HISTORY
B 1963 on canons of the sound recording industry the standard 12-inch long-playing record of a pop album had to contain
I Saw Her Standing There 2:50
Misery 1:44
Anna (Go To Him) 2:52
Chains 2:20
Boys 2:20
Ask Me Why 2:20
Please Please Me 1:58
Love Me Do 2:15
P.S. I Love You 2:00
Baby Its You 2:29
Do You Want To Know A Secret of 1:52
A Taste Of Honey 1:59
Theres A Place 1:46
Twist And Shout 2:30
on 7 songs on each party (in the USA there were about 5-6 songs on the party enough). Bitlz after release of two singles (on 2 songs on a plate) for a full album had not enough 10 more songs. Bitlz and George Martin urgently were going on February 11, 1963 at 10 in the morning to Abbey Road studio and in 9 hours 45 minutes recorded all album live. Zas
three sessions, each lasting about three hours, to them was succeeded to reproduce own authentic sounding of an era of Cavities clubs in Liverpool. Slips and editing were minimum. George Martin reserved initially only two sessions, evening added therein. Generally he planned to record this album really live, directly in Cavities club before public, and even went there to estimate a situation. However time was running out, it was necessary to record an album urgently in the nearest studio on Abbe Road where however the group played though without public, but also live.
Last wrote down "Twist And Shout" - Martin postponed it for the end as there the high pitched voice was required, and Lennon that day was strongly chilled, and Martin was afraid, kind of he did not strain a voice. Pesnya was recorded from the first double and it is considered classics. Remembering record, Martin was surprised: "I do not know how they manage it. We registered the whole day, but the longer they played, the better at them it turned out." On the same day even one "excess" song - "Hold Me Tight" which is not holding in an album was recorded. In the following album - With the Beatles - it was written down on - new. In Love Me Do and P.S. I Love You songs Martin did not like Ringos game, and he replaced him with the studio drummer of EMI Andy Whyte. There are two versions, with Ringo and with Whyte on drums, but this British album included records with Whyte. All record cost to
400 pounds sterling. Kak told George Martin: "Parlofon had no lot of money. I worked with the annual budget in 55.000 pounds." Each participant of The Beatles under the contract with Soyuz of Musicians (British labor union of musicians) had the right to receive 7 and a half pounds sterling for each three-hour session of record. And they regularly received this money. Originally Martin wanted to call
an album Off the Beatle Track, however Parlaphone let out him under the name Please Please Me. Alby it was recorded on the dual-track tape recorder, the majority of instrumentation on one, and voices - on other path to facilitate monophonic data of a vocal with music on a semi-inch film master. Later the stereomix which scattered one path in left another - in the right channel was made. Dl of soft mixture of both channels the reverberation layer was imposed on everything.
Majority of songs of an album Please Please Me were originally released in the USA by the Vee-Jay company on an album Introducing The Beatles (1964), and then Capitol Records in an album The Early Beatles (1965). The British version of an album appeared in the USA and Canada only in 1987.

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