Название документа

Iron the important microcell of our body participating in exchange of proteins and enzymes. It helps to oxygenate fabric, promotes power exchange and increases immunity.
the Lack of iron of an organism causes fast fatigue, weakness, fragility of hair and nails. The bad comprehensibility of iron a body can cause a set of problems.
Iron participates in formation of protein of hemoglobin which is responsible for synthesis of blood cells - erythrocytes. Low level of hemoglobin can cause anemia which main symptoms are muscle weakness, change of flavoring receptors, pallor of skin.
the People having anemia often test strong weakness and fast fatigue, they destroy the immune system that leads to appearance of various chronic diseases. To prevent development of anemia it is necessary to use enough iron regularly. It is important first of all for children and women as during periods the organism loses a lot of iron.
of Advantage of medicine:
provides to
delivery of oxygen to fabrics and bodies;
is regulated by cholesterol metabolism;
participates in formation of proteins and enzymes;
protects skin from cracks, and hair and nails from fragility;
is raised by immunity and strengthens an organism.
Method of application:
Adult - on one tablet sparkling in day. Sparkling to dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water (100-150 ml). Use term - within 1 month (further consumption and a possibility of a repeated course to coordinate with the doctor).
of the Contraindication:
not to use
if you observed hypersensibility to any of additive components.
Chelate to an iron bisglitsinat (bisglitsinat gland) acidity regulator: citric acid sodium bicarbonate maltodextrin; orange fragrance; sweeteners: to atsesulfa To, a sucralose, sorbitol; dyes: beta carotene; antiaglomeratsiyny agent: talc.
Nutritional (food) value on 100 g of a product: proteins - 4.416 g, carbohydrates - 17.417 g, fats of-0.015 g
the Power value (caloric content) on 100 g of a product: 211 kcal (906.98 kJ).
does not contain palm oil. Does not contain gluten and lactose.
1 tablet:
of 14 mg of 100% of NRV
* * NRV: Reference information on the day need for nutrients, Evr. regulations 1169/2011
1 tablet:
of 14 mg of 100% of NRV

1 tablet: Iron 14 mg 100% NRV

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Teknofer, SIIT, 30 effervescent tablets, Z08930

  • Product Code: MX30983
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
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  • $54.00

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