the Combined hondroprotektor with dual action
Active components of the Biflex complex promote
to restoration and improvement of a condition of cartilaginous tissue
to blood circulation improvement
to removal of inflammation in joints
the Biflex Complex is effective
for 93.3% of patients with a coxarthrosis [1], osteochondrosis [2], at a spondiloartroza [3], a gonartroza [4]
(which are carrying out through a skin barrier) properties of active components are improved by
at the expense of nonsense extract.
Active components:
Chondroitin sulfate – 5%
of a D-glycosamine a hydrochloride – 3%
nonsense Extract — 2.5%
[1] from article "Results of a Research of the Biflex Complex at a Coxarthrosis",
[2] from article "Results of a Research of the Biflex Complex at Osteochondrosis",
[3] from article "Results of a Research of the Biflex Complex at a Spondiloartroza",
[4] from article "Results of a Research of the Biflex Complex at a Gonartroza", authors: A.M. Kardash, E.A. Statinova, K.G. Seleznyov, A.A. Fayerman, Perch O.S., K.A. Kardash.
Method of application:
for external application.
Puncture a tuba membrane with a thorn of the top part of a cap.
to Apply
2-3 times a day to skin over the place of defeat by a strip 1-1.5 cm long and to rub before full absorption in skin.
the Course lasts 4-5 weeks.
If necessary a course to repeat
30 g
of Reg. No. 05.03.02-04/22469 of 27.05.2015
Active components of the Biflex complex promote
to restoration and improvement of a condition of cartilaginous tissue
to blood circulation improvement
to removal of inflammation in joints
the Biflex Complex is effective
for 93.3% of patients with a coxarthrosis [1], osteochondrosis [2], at a spondiloartroza [3], a gonartroza [4]
(which are carrying out through a skin barrier) properties of active components are improved by
at the expense of nonsense extract.
Active components:
Chondroitin sulfate – 5%
of a D-glycosamine a hydrochloride – 3%
nonsense Extract — 2.5%
[1] from article "Results of a Research of the Biflex Complex at a Coxarthrosis",
[2] from article "Results of a Research of the Biflex Complex at Osteochondrosis",
[3] from article "Results of a Research of the Biflex Complex at a Spondiloartroza",
[4] from article "Results of a Research of the Biflex Complex at a Gonartroza", authors: A.M. Kardash, E.A. Statinova, K.G. Seleznyov, A.A. Fayerman, Perch O.S., K.A. Kardash.
Method of application:
for external application.
Puncture a tuba membrane with a thorn of the top part of a cap.
to Apply
2-3 times a day to skin over the place of defeat by a strip 1-1.5 cm long and to rub before full absorption in skin.
the Course lasts 4-5 weeks.
If necessary a course to repeat
30 g
of Reg. No. 05.03.02-04/22469 of 27.05.2015
Supplex Cream, Combined Double Action Chondroprotector, Georg BioSystems, 30 g, 27455
- Product Code: MX30057
- In Stock
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