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  • Sourdough for Emmental cheese (for 20 liters of milk)

Sourdough for Emmental cheese (for 20 liters of milk)


1. Starter culture for Emmental cheese.

2. Milk-clotting enzyme.

3. Starter culture of propionic acid bacteria.

EMMENTAL is a popular semi-hard table cheese. Country of origin - Switzerland.

You dont need any special skills to cook Emmental. For aspiring cheese makers, this cheese will be a good start to get to know the hard cheese group.

The kit includes everything you need: a starter culture (starter culture of lactic acid bacteria), an enzyme (for the formation of a milk clot), a starter culture of propionic acid bacteria. You just have to add milk!

Emmental cheese recipe

Pour milk into a saucepan, heat to 32 ° C. Remove from heat.

Sprinkle the starter culture and the propionic acid bacteria culture on the surface of the milk. Let stand for 3 minutes to allow the powders to absorb moisture. Use a large slotted spoon or spoon to stir the entire volume of milk with gentle, slow movements. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes.

Dissolve the enzyme in 50 ml of water. Pour into milk and stir. Cover and leave for 40-50 minutes.

Check the clot for a "clean compartment", if necessary, leave for another 10-15 minutes. Once the "clean cut" is achieved, cut the curd with a knife or large whisk. Cut and stir for 15 minutes, until you reach a pea-sized grain.

Stir the cheese mass with a large slotted spoon or spoon with a long handle for 30 minutes, maintaining the temperature of the mass at 30 ° C.

Put the saucepan on the fire and, stirring constantly, bring the temperature of the curd mass to 45 ° C. The heating process should be long - 30 minutes. Do not heat the mass too quickly!

Remove the pan from heat and continue stirring slowly for another 30 minutes. Check the consistency - take the curd in your hand and squeeze. The cheese grain should stick together, but also disintegrates if you press it a little.

Stop stirring, let the mixture stand for 5 minutes so that the curd settles to the bottom. Pour the serum through the mold to keep it warm. Line the mold with gauze. Transfer the curd to the mold.

Place a lid on the pan and wrap it up to keep it warm. You can also place the mold in a saucepan and oven and keep it at 30 ° C.

Place the mold under the press and press for 10 minutes with a weight of 8 kg. Remove the cheese from the mold and remove the cheesecloth. Rewrap the cheese in cheesecloth, being careful to make as few folds as possible. Put the cheese back in the mold, put it under the press. Press with a weight of 15 kg for 12-15 hours at room temperature.

Remove the cheese from the mold, remove the cheesecloth, place in the brine and salt for 24 hours at 12 ° C. Turn the cheese over in the brine and let it brine again for 24 hours at 12 ° C.

Remove the cheese from the brine and dry on a drainage mat for 2 days at room temperature to completely dry the crust. Turn the cheese periodically while drying to dry evenly on all sides.

Place the cheese for maturation in a room (or a special refrigerator) with a temperature of 10-12 ° C and 85% humidity. Leave to ripen under these conditions for 2 weeks. Every day, the cheese must be turned over and wiped with brine (1 tablespoon salt per 1 liter of water). After wiping the cheese with brine, you need to wipe it with a towel to remove excess moisture. This process contributes to the formation of the correct hard crust.

Then the cheese must be put to ripen for 1 month in a room with a temperature of 18-20 ° C and 85% humidity. During this period, its famous eyes develop in the cheese. The head of cheese swells and becomes round. For even development of the eyes, turn the cheese every 2-3 days and wipe with the same brine. Do not allow the temperature to rise over 20 ° C.

After a month, the cheese must be placed back in a room with a temperature of 10-12 ° C, where the cheese must ripen for at least 3 months. The humidity should be about 85%, with drier air the crust and the deep layer under it will dry out, and if the humidity is above 85%, then excessive mold may develop. If mold develops, scrub the cheese with a salt and vinegar * brush. You can also occasionally grease the crust with olive oil to keep it from drying out. Turn the cheese once a week. The cheese can ripen up to 1 year.

Brine for salting cheese: 4 liters of water, 1 kg of salt, 5 grams of dry calcium chloride or 40 ml of a 10% solution of calcium chloride, 5 ml of 6% vinegar. Calcium chloride helps to create a dense crust.

* To make a solution for cleaning mold cheese, dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in 125 ml of 3% vinegar.




Brand Sacco

Country of origin Italy

Sourdough type For hard cheese


Composition Ferment, Enzyme

Yeast type Dry

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Sourdough for Emmental cheese (for 20 liters of milk)

  • Product Code: SE716
  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25532
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  • $25.10

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