Название документа

SkinMed Otic SkinMed Otik Losyon for ears apply lotion for cleaning of ears to hygienic and preventive processing, to prevention of otitises of various etiology, fungal and bacterial infections of ears of dogs and cats. It is used as supportive application at complex treatment of diseases of acoustical pass of Sostav: isopropyl alcohol - 50 mg/ml, propylene glycol - 100 mg/g excipients. Bottles on 60 and 130 ml with rubber the tips allowing to dose means on drops. Properties: SkinMed Otik – means for hygiene of ears. The isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol which are a part of lotion are good solvents of natural and pathological organic deposits of acoustical pass, moisturize the skin and interfere with its adhesion. After entering of lotion into acoustical pass, ear sulfur, a wax raid and dirt are quickly dissolved, there is a removal of dead cells, thereby there is an effective reduction of quantity of bacteria and mushrooms in external acoustical pass and an optimum environment for regeneration of tissues of the affected auricles is created. Ne possesses skin and resorptive and irritant action. Protivopokazaniya: It is impossible to apply to external acoustical pass if there is a suspicion on injury of an eardrum or there are other open damages of acoustical pass. Dosage and method of application: To bring several drops (5-10) of lotion for ears SkinMed Otik in external acoustical pass and to accurately mass an auricle at the basis. After dissolution of ear sulfur remove it with a cotton tampon the moistened lotion or allow an animal to stir up the head, and remove residues of ear sulfur by means of a cotton tampon. If necessary, depending on a condition of an ear and amount of ear sulfur, it is possible to repeat the procedure 1-3 times a day or once a week. Producer: Cymedica s.r.o., Czech Republic Product code: - SkinMed Otic SkinMed Otik Losyon for cleaning of ears (60 ml) - SkinMed Otic SkinMed Otik Losyon for cleaning of ears (130 ml) date editing the description: 20.02.2020

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SkinMed Otic SkinMed Otic ear cleaning lotion

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