Название документа
  • Sera (Sulfur) Nitrite-Test (NO2) - the Test for determination of level of content of nitrites in fresh and sea water

NO2 nitrites are known as the most toxic agents for health and activity of fishes in an aquarium. Insufficient biological filtration can lead to increase in level of their content in water. Most precisely and effectively the Sera Nitrite-Test (NO2) test will help to determine the level of nitrites in an aquarium. Applying this test you will always be able precisely both authentically to control the level of nitrites and to make all necessary actions to avoid troubles for inhabitants of the aquarium.

of Advantage:

  • the Amount of reagents enough for carrying out about 75 measurements
  • Is suitable
  • for application in a sea and freshwater aquarium and also in ponds
  • the Test simple in use

of the Instruction on application: to shake up reagents before the use!

  1. measured to a ditch the tested (checked) water several times. Fill measured to a ditch with the tested water to a mark of 5 ml. Then carefully wipe dry an outer surface ditches.
  2. Add five drops of reagent 1 and stir up to a ditch until liquid doesn't become uniform.
  3. Add five drops of reagent 2 and stir up to a ditch until liquid doesn't become uniform.
  4. In five minutes compare color of the tested liquid with a color on the enclosed chromatic scale. For this purpose it is necessary to deliver to a ditch on the white field near a chromatic scale and to look at it from above at day natural lighting. Avoid direct hit of sunlight.
  5. Cleaning: Before the beginning and after the end of testing the ditch needs to wash measured with flowing water. After the use of a bottle with reagents it is dense to close, without confusing caps.

Possible results of water quality:

NO2 Assessment, necessary measures
0.0 mg/l everything be all right; it isn't necessary to take any measures
0.5 mg/l acceptable level; if necessary add Sera Toxivec and Sera Bio Nitrivec or according to Sera Pond Toxivec and Sera Pond Bio Nitrivec in a necessary dose
1.0 mg/l harmful level; add Sera Toxivec or Sera Pond Toxivec in a necessary dose or make partial substitution of water
2.0 mg/l dangerous level; add Sera Toxivec or Sera Pond Toxivec in a necessary dose several times or make partial substitution of water
5.0 mg/l is toxic; immediately add Sera Toxivec or Sera Pond Toxivec in a necessary dose several times and make partial substitution of water

in case of slight increase of level of content of nitrites we recommend application of Sera Bio Nitrivec (fresh water), Sera Marin Bio Reefclear (sea water) and Sera Pond Bio Nitrivec (pond), respectively. Sera Nitrite-minus helps quickly with a case of strong increase in content of nitrites.

of the Recommendation about storage: to Store at the room temperature, in the place protected from light. You can obtain quality goods of sera and also necessary information in specialized shops.

Packing: 15 ml
Producer: Sera, Sera GmbH, Germany.

Type of the test NO2 (nitrites)

Reviews Sera (Sulfur) Nitrite-Test (NO2) - the Test for determination of level of content of nitrites in fresh and sea water

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Sera (Sulfur) Nitrite-Test (NO2) - the Test for determination of level of content of nitrites in fresh and sea water

  • Product Code: 135550
  • In Stock

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  • $40.38

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Tags: Chemistry for an aquarium, Tests for aquarian water,

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