Название документа
  • Sera (Sulfur) med Professional Tremazol - the Trematsol water Conditioner against branchiate and skin hearts and also tape-worms
Sometimes owners of aquariums and ponds with small fishes face a serious problem of infection of fishes with worms or ikhtiopatogenny worms. Professional Tremazol medicine from the Sera company is a fresh water conditioner which effectively struggles with skin and branchiate worms, flat worms of types of Transversotrema and Diplostomum and other parasites that harmful influence skin and gills of fishes. At the heart of composition of medicine Prazikvantel is involved, this active ingredient is applied in veterinary science against helminthoses. Means is quickly and evenly dissolved in reservoirs thanks to what therapy begins the first minutes.

of of Advantage:
  • Fights against different types of worms and worms;
  • by
  • Highly effective, it is quickly dissolved in water;
  • Is suitable
  • for freshwater reservoirs, it is also possible to use also in sea aquariums;
  • it is Easily transferred by fishes.

of the Instruction on application:
For fight against branchiate hearts: add 1 ml of Tremazol on each 15 liters of aquarian water.
For fight against skin hearts, tape-worms and flat worms of the sort Transversotrema: add 1 ml of Tremazol on each 20 liters of aquarian water.
For distribution of Tremazol on a water surface use a measuring cover, stir it in aquarian water by means of a spoon or a stick.
In 4 hours make substitution of at least 80% of water.
in case of turbidity make water replacement immediately.
in case of infection with branchiate hearts repeat processing and also substitution of water in 7 days.
Switch off UF-lamps for the period of treatment and well aerate an aquarium. Germproof filters can continue to work.
Treatment out of an aquarium in a short bathtub: we recommend this method, in particular for big aquariums.
At first fill a small plastic aquarium with aquarian water, after that add to it the required quantity of Tremazol according to the instruction for application. You keep sick fish in this aquarium within 20 minutes then return back her to the general aquarium. Provide good aeration during treatment (for example, by means of the air spray)!

of Structure in 100 ml: don't use praziquantel of 7.47 g
in aquariums with erinaceouses (Echinodermata). not apply
to the animals intended for consumption in food! For all freshwater aquariums. Store in the place, inaccessible for children and pets! Not use after expiry date.

of Packing: 25 ml.
Producer: Sera, Sera Gmbh, Germany.
Dosage (on water volume) up to 500 l
Prescribing of drugs Antiparasitic
Release form Liquid consistence

Reviews Sera (Sulfur) med Professional Tremazol - the Trematsol water Conditioner against branchiate and skin hearts and also tape-worms

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Sera (Sulfur) med Professional Tremazol - the Trematsol water Conditioner against branchiate and skin hearts and also tape-worms

  • Product Code: 135564
  • In Stock

  • Ready to ship
  • $42.91

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Tags: Chemistry for an aquarium, Fight against diseases of small fishes,

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