Название документа
  • Sera (Sulfur) gH-Test - the Test for simple determination of the general level of rigidity of fresh water

The Sera gH-Test test provides simple and fast determination of the general level of rigidity (GH) of fresh water. The correct and exact testing of level of hardness of water will give the chance to define a possibility of dwelling of fishes of different types in uniform community. Will promote Besides, their successful cultivation, the correct activity and strengthening of the general health.

of Advantage:

  • the Bottle contains about 420 drops of reagent which one drop corresponds to one unit of total hardness of the tested water in test
  • the Test is simple and easy in use
  • Reagent is suitable for application in freshwater aquariums and ponds

in case of too low level of rigidity we recommend Sera Mineral Salt. Too high level of rigidity can be lowered by mixing of the available water with the water received by method of a reverse osmosis. For creation of the soft water demanded for the majority of species of fish of South America (for example, from the basin of Amazon), we recommend Sera Blackwater Aquatan additive or filtration through Sera Super Peat.

of the Instruction on application: to shake up reagent before the use!

  1. measured to a ditch the tested (checked) water several times. Fill measured to a ditch with the tested water to a mark of 5 ml, and then carefully wipe dry an outer surface ditches.
  2. Add
  3. the regent on drops, including quantity of the poured drops. After each poured drop slightly stir up measured to a ditch. Continue operation until color of the tested liquid doesn't change from red through brown on green.
  4. the Total number of the drops of reagent poured by you will correspond to the level of total hardness of the tested liquid (1 drop of the poured reagent = 1 ° dGH). For example: 5 poured drops = the level of total hardness 5 ° dGH.
  5. Cleaning: before the beginning and after the end of testing the ditch needs to wash measured with flowing water. After the use it is at once dense to close a bottle with reagent.

of the Recommendation about storage: to Store at the room temperature, in the place protected from light. Store densely closed, in the place, inaccessible for children.

Packing: 15 ml
Producer: Sera, Sera GmbH, Germany

Type of the test GH (general rigidity)

Reviews Sera (Sulfur) gH-Test - the Test for simple determination of the general level of rigidity of fresh water

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Sera (Sulfur) gH-Test - the Test for simple determination of the general level of rigidity of fresh water

  • Product Code: 135565
  • In Stock

  • Ready to ship
  • $31.31

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Tags: Chemistry for an aquarium, Tests for aquarian water,

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