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  • Selafort Selafort Spot-on drops for dogs from 10.1 to 20 kg

Selafort Selafort Spot-on of a drop for dogs from 10.1 to 20 kg Selafort for dogs from 10.1 to 20 kg is intended for simultaneous protection against external and internal parasites. It is applied to prevention and treatment of the entomoz caused by fleas, louses and vlasoyeda, an otodektoza, a sarkoptoza and also helminthoses (an ankilostomoz and a toksokaroz) and prevention of a dirofilyarioz (infection with a warm-hearted worm). Selafort treats antiparasitic medicines of group of macrocyclic lactones. Active ingredient of medicine - selamektin possesses a wide range of system nematodotsidny, insecticidal and acaricide action, is active against nematodes, insects and sarkoptoidny ticks parasitizing at dogs, having larvitsidny and ovotsidny properties, interrupts a cycle of development of insects. Pharmacokinetic properties of medicine provide good absorption of a selamektin from the place of drawing, long maintenance of therapeutic concentration in bodies and animal tissues that provides extermination of parasites and protection of animals against a reinfestation within a month. The mechanism of action of a selamektin consists in its ability to contact receptors of cages (muscle and nervous tissue) of parasites, to increase permeability of membranes for chlorine ions that causes blockade of conductivity of nervous and muscle cells in nematodes, insects, pincers and leads to paralysis and death of parasites. Considering that at mammals the receptors sensitive to a selamektin are localized only in the central nervous system, and selamektin does not get through a hematoencephalic barrier, poisoning of dogs is improbable. Selafort on extent of impact on an organism treats moderately dangerous substances, in the recommended doses does not possess the local irritative, resorptive and toxic and sensibilizing action, is well had by dogs of different breeds, including a collie and related breeds of dog. Preparat is toxic for bees and also for fishes and other hydrobionts. When replacing chemotherapeutic means in the program of prevention of a dirofilyarioz, the interval between Selaforts application and earlier used medicine has to make not less than one month. Dl treatments of dogs and cats at the otodektoz (ear itch) caused by O.cynotis, Selafort apply once. Features of action at the first use and cancellation of medicine are not revealed. When processing animals it is necessary to adhere to the intervals recommended by the instruction. In case of the admission of the next processing, use of medicine should be resumed as soon as possible, in the same dose according to the same scheme. Pokazaniya: Selafort appoint to dogs with the medical and preventive purpose at the entomoza caused by fleas, louses and vlasoyeda, an otodektoza, a sarkoptoza, an ankilostomoza and a toksokaroza and also to prevention of a dirofilyarioz Selafort apply to dogs once, to prevention of a repeated invasion - once a month throughout all season of the greatest activity of insects. Dl of prevention of a dirofilyarioz in regions where register Dirofilaria immitis, Selafort is applied an animal monthly, beginning a month before the beginning of summer of carriers of the activator - mosquitoes and mosquitoes, and finish not earlier than in a month after end of their summer. Selafort does not destroy mature D.immitis, but reduces quantity of the circulating mikrofilyariya and larvae of dirofilyariya, and can be applied even by an invazirovanny animal of Dl of treatment of dogs at the otodektoz (ear itch) caused by O.cynotis, Selafort apply once. During treatment it is recommended to carry out cleaning of acoustical pass of exudate and scabs, and in cases of a complication of an otodektoz bacterial otitis to appoint antimicrobial and resolvents. If necessary the course of treatment is repeated in 1 month of Dl by treatments of dogs at the sarkoptoz caused by S.canis, Selafort apply with an interval of 1 month twice, for prevention of a possible invasion medicine is recommended: to apply once a month Dl of expulsion of helminths of dogs at the toksokaroz caused by Toxocara cati, Toxocara canis, the ankilostomoz caused by Ancylostoma tubaeformae, medicine is applied with the medical purpose once, for the purpose of prevention - monthly. Time necessary for full absorption of Selafort is about thirty minutes. After two hours, in case of need, the animal can be washed even with use of shampoo, the efficiency of medicine at the same time does not decrease Protivopokazaniya: A contraindication to application is the increased individual sensitivity of an animal to medicine components (including in the anamnesis) Selafort it is not necessary to apply to the moist and/or injured skin Selafort it is not necessary to apply along with other antiparasitic medicines of group of macrocyclic lactones, in connection with possible mutual strengthening of their toxicity of Predosterezheniya: During the work with Selafort it is necessary to follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety measures provided during the work with medicines In operating time it is not allowed to smoke, drink and eat food Upon termination of work it is necessary to wash up carefully hands warm water with Nes soap it is necessary to admit an animal to small children and also to iron the place of processing within 2 hours after putting medicine At accidental hit of medicine on skin and mucous membranes it it is necessary to remove immediately with a tampon and then to wash away a large amount of flowing water People with hypersensitivity to components of medicine should avoid direct contact with Selafort in case of manifestation of allergic reaction or at accidental hit of medicine in a human body it is necessary to address immediately to medical institution (at itself to have the instruction for use of medicine) Selafort apply after consultation with the veterinarian. Selafort puppies should not apply and kittens more young than 6 weeks age At overdose of medicine at an animal the excess salivation, a muscular shiver, vomiting can be observed. In this case medicine is washed away water with detergent, to an animal appoint antihistaminic medicines and means of symptomatic therapy When processing animals it is necessary to adhere to the intervals recommended by the instruction Selafort use Order is not intended for application to productive animals: Selafort apply to dogs by single drawing on the dry uninjured skin, using pipettes of various packing Before use of medicine the pipette take out from the blister and, holding vertically, press a cap to pierce a pipette nose, then remove a cap and, having moved apart wool between shovels at the neck basis, squeeze out pipette contents, directly on skin of an animal in case of the admission of the next processing the use of medicine should be resumed as soon as possible, in the same dose according to the same scheme date editing the description: 09.11.2021

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Selafort Selafort Spot-on drops for dogs from 10.1 to 20 kg

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  • $56.25

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