Название документа
Dry feed made by Schesir Dog Small Puppy taking into account physiology of puppies small and pass breeds aged from two up to twelve months. The forage meets all requirements and can be used as good daily nutrition with a set of vitamin supplements and mineral substances which help for maintenance of health of the correct growth. Food monoprotein also includes one type of protein – meat of chicken that reduces to minimal risk to manifestation and development of food allergy. The fat source in a stern undergoes careful cleaning. The forage is used as a food allowance for puppies and dogs during pregnancy and during a lactation of dogs.
At production of a forage Schesir Dog Small Puppy are used quality natural products. The technology of preparation of a forage basic also does not include chemical treatment. The compounding of a forage is coordinated at the level of faculty of veterinary medicine of University of Bologna.
Advantage and feature:
  • monoprotein formula: in structure only one source of digestible proteins of animal origin – the dehydrogenated meat of chicken (28%);
  • balanced diet, satisfies all needs of puppies for food, helps them to grow healthy and active;
  • for
  • it is prepared from natural ingredients with addition of a complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • EPA and DHA, they increase ability to training and training, contribute to the correct development of cognitive functions, sight (in particular retinas), a brain and reproductive organs at puppies during the period till the birth therefore this forage is recommended also for pregnant women and feeding a bough;
  • proper correlation the Omega-3 and the Omega-6 of fatty acids for strong immunity, health of vessels and joints, development of a brain and formation of nervous system;
  • an optimum combination of calcium, phosphorus and D3 vitamin for formation of a strong skeleton, muscles, mobility of joints and work of a cardiovascular system;
  • optimum content of zinc for correct functioning of receptors of taste and sense of smell, full-fledged growth, perfect condition of leather and wool, health of eyes (in a complex with fatty acids and vitamins C, E);
  • minimizes risks of manifestation of food allergy;
  • well is digested;
  • excellent comprehensibility in combination with the balanced content of nutrients provides to
  • maintenance of ideal weight and also strengthens bones and muscles;
  • contains ingredients with prebiotic action: FOS (fruktooligosakharida), beer yeast, chicory pulp which strengthen immunity promote healthy digestion and full assimilation of a forage;
  • health of wool and leather: beer yeast, the Omega-3 (cod-liver oil), the Omega-6 (the purified fat of animal origin), biotin;
  • it is enriched with special mix of extracts with antioxidant synergetic action which protects cages from free radicals and helps to fight against cellular aging (extracts of rosemary, a turmeric, grapes, a citrus, carnation oils) – for health, activity and longevity of your pet;
  • without dyes and preservatives;
  • does not contain wheat and soy;
  • control over a smell thanks to extract of a yucca of Schidiger;
  • size and a form of granules of a forage are picked specially up by
  • taking into account features of dogs pass breeds.
Ingredients: 28% the dehydrogenated meat of chicken, rice, corn, the purified fat of animal origin, corn gluten, barley, dried pulp of beet, 1.5% cod-liver oil, 1% of a fruktooligosakharida (FOS), 1% beer yeast, egg powder, dicalcium phosphate, potassium chloride, chloride of sodium, 0.1% Schidigers yucca.
Additive/kg: vitamin A – 22,000 ME, D3 vitamin – 1500 ME, vitamin E – 500 mg, B6 vitamin – 1.3 mg, B12 vitamin – 0.03 mg, folic acid – 0.24 mg, vitamin C – 200 mg, biotin – 0.28 mg, iron – 105 mg (iron sulfate monohydrate), iron – 32 mg (glycine iron chelate hydrate), copper – 12 mg (copper sulfate pentahydrate), manganese – 6.5 mg (manganese sulfate monohydrate), manganese – 32 mg (glycine manganese chelate hydrate of amino acids), zinc – 130 mg (zinc sulfate monohydrate), zinc – 18 mg (glycine zinc chelate hydrate), iodine – 4 mg (calcium iodate waterless), selenium – 0.34 mg (sodium selenit), mix of extracts of rosemary, a turmeric, grapes, a citrus and clove oil – 300 mg.
Power value: 404 kcal / 100
Analysis of structure: protein – 30%, fat – 20%, cellulose – 2.5%, ashes – 6.5%, humidity – 10%, calcium – 1.1%, phosphorus – 0.9%, magnesium – 0.35%, sodium – 0.4%, potassium – 0.61%, the Omega-6 – 2.2%, the Omega-3 – 0.46%, DHA – 0.06%, EPA – 0.08%.
Standard daily rate of feeding depends on the weight of a dog:
- 1 kg – 50 g (2-3 months), 40 g (3-4 months), 35 g (5-7 months), 30 g (8-12 months);
- 2.5 kg – 100 g (2-3 months), 85 g (3-4 months), 70 g (5-7 months), 65 g (8-12 months);
- 3.5 kg – 130 g (2-3 months), 110 g (3-4 months), 90 g (5-7 months), 80 g (8-12 months);
- 4.5 kg – 160 g (2-3 months), 135 g (3-4 months), 105 g (5-7 months), 100 g (8-12 months);
- 7 kg – 225 g (2-3 months), 185 g (3-4 months), 150 g (5-7 months), 140 g (8-12 months);
- 9 kg – 225 g (3-4 months), 180 g (5-7 months), 165 g (8-12 months);
- for pregnant dogs – 170 g;
- for the feeding dogs – on requirement.
Specified norms of feeding belong only to a dry feed and can change depending on special needs of an animal. Transition to a new forage has to happen gradually.
important to provide access of a puppy to fresh drinking water. To store in the dry cool place.

* Information on ingredients and nutriyentny structure of a forage, norms of feeding on the website is help. All information on a product is provided directly on packing.
Packing: 800 g; 2 kg

Producer: Schesir, Agras Delic S.p.A., Italy
For whom sterns?For dogsClassSuper premiumForm of release of a forageDry feedAge of a dogPuppies and juniorsExtent of breedPass breeds (up to 5 kg)
Small breeds (5-10 kg)Main source of proteins in a sternChicken
Age of a dog Puppies and juniors
Extent of breed Mini breeds (up to 5 kg) Small breeds (5-10 kg)
For whom sterns? For dogs
Forage class Super premium
Form of release of a forage Dry feed
The main source of proteins in a stern Chicken

Reviews Schesir Dog Small Puppy - A dry monoprotein feed with chicken for puppies pass also small breeds

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Schesir Dog Small Puppy - A dry monoprotein feed with chicken for puppies pass also small breeds

  • Product Code: E-ZOO-102331
  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25532
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  • $27.79

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