The model is specially developed for match catching. An easy, high-speed, modern bezynertsionka for fishing with use, including, the heavy float-operated equipment. Transfer number 6. 2:1 therefore the procedure of rethrowing of a tackle when catching on a current even on a long distance will be carried out significantly quicker, than when using the ordinary coil. Thanks to existence in a design 5 ball and one roller bearings has a soft slow speed. Roller, installed in the lesoukladka mechanism, minimizes attrition of a fishing line, prolongs the term of its service and promotes uniform laying on the spool. As in a match, not the thick fishing line, both spools is generally used (the main and additional) are made in low-profile option (S). It will allow to avoid need to do "beking" for increase in range of throwing of a tackle. Easy, well balanced series with the mechanism from bronze will provide comfortable fishing and will please the owner with the long term of operation. Features: Brake frictional front FD5 bearings sharikovykh1 bearing rolikovyymgnovenny stopper of a back run (anti-reverse) anti-reverse Switch flag nizhniyvysokotochny mechanism of the drive: bronzakorpus and the rotor a karboplastovyeduzhka of a lesoukladyvatel hollow strong (facilitated) the Roller of a lesoukladyvatel conical the increased (protivozakruchivatel) High-quality balansirovkakharakteristik: Type: bezynertsionnayaperedatochny number: 6. 2:1friktsion: spool peredniyvmestimost: 0. 20 mm - 155 mkolichestvo of bearings: 5+1ves: 300 g
Salmo Diamond Match coil 6 2000FD (3420FD)
- Product Code: MX28165
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