Royal Canin X-Small mature +8 Dry dog food of dwarfish breeds is more senior than 8 years Polnoratsionny dry dog food of the tiny sizes from 8 to 12 years. To notice the first signs of aging at a dog with whom you constantly live side by side sometimes happens not easy. But the first changes at the cellular level and in behavior usually begin with eight-year age Here some visible signs of age changes: Emergence of gray-haired wool Increase in time of a dream of the Problem with teeth Decrease of the activity Possible addition in weight the Patented complex of antioxidants and special nutrients as a part of this formula help to maintain vital energy of dogs of the tiny sizes 8 years which had signs of aging are more senior Small croquets are developed especially for tiny jaws of dogs of the tiny sizes, and the ikheksklyuzivny formula is attractive even to the dogs especially choosy in food Optimum work digestive a sistemysbalansirovanny complex of high-quality proteins L.I.P. * and different types of cellulose (including a plantain seed) facilitates intestinal transit and normalizes consistence of a chair Effective protection of urinary sistemysposobstvut to maintaining health of an urinogenital system at dogs of the tiny sizes and supports the necessary level of acidity of urine Health zubovpomogat to slow down formation of a dental plaque thanks to polyphosphate of sodium which connects the calcium which is contained in saliva date editing the description: 29.09.2020
Royal Canin (Royal Kanin) X-Small mature +8 Dry food for dogs of dwarf breeds over 8 years
- Product Code: MX23218
- In Stock
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