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Royal Canin Golden Retriever Puppy the Dry feed for puppies of breed a golden retriever of Osobennosti of breed: Growth period - the major time in life of a dog because these months the foundation of his further health For the first 15 months of life is laid the weight of a puppy of a golden retriever increases by 70 times. Dlya of formation of a skeleton is required a significant amount of proteins and minerals in combination with precisely picked up by amount of calcium - it is no more also not less norm of Zabot about digestive system. It is necessary to transfer a puppy to a firm forage very carefully because his digestive system is not ready to assimilation of a large number of products and to starch digestion Immaturity of the immune system yet. In the first several weeks of life the organism of puppies remains under protection of maternal antibodies. But for the period between the 4th and 12th weeks this protection gradually weakens, and the puppy becomes vulnerable to infections. Will help to overcome without loss this period of weakening of immunity specially picked up food Preimushchestva of a forage: Safety of digestion Visokousvaivayemy proteins (LIP), high power density and a formula Acti-Flora (prebiotics and a plantain) that reduces load of a stomach, ensure the maximum safety of digestion that Strengthening of bones and Sposobstvuyets joints to the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal device and a normal mineralization of a skeleton is extremely important for puppies of a golden retriever with his sensitive stomach and intestines. Health of joints Powerful natural protection the Golden Retriever Puppy Product supports by Podderzhivayet natural protective mechanisms and helps to resist to the dangers menacing to health of a puppy Protection of leather and YOUR wool the PUPPY - NOT the ADULT DOG PUPPIES NEED SPECIAL FOOD During growth period the immune system of a puppy gradually develops. For this reason the diet of ROYAL CANIN® Golden Retriever Puppy contains a complex of antioxidants (which part is including vitamin E), helps to support a system of natural protection of an organism of a puppy and the general state of health during growth. The exclusive complex as a part of a diet of ROYAL CANIN® Golden Retriever Puppy also helps to maintain health of leather and hair of a puppy of a retriever. Exclusive design croquets the Form, the size, texture and a formula croquets are adapted for a puppy of breed a golden retriever date editing the description: 01.10.2021

Reviews Royal Canin Golden Retriever Puppy Dry food for Golden Retriever puppies

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Royal Canin Golden Retriever Puppy Dry food for Golden Retriever puppies

  • Product Code: MX23157
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
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  • $65.00

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