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Royal Canin Bulldog Puppy the Dry feed for puppies of breed a bulldog Preimushchestva of a forage: Special kroketaspetsialno for jaws of a brakhitsefal. Facilitates capture of a forage and stimulates its razgryzaniye. Reduction of a smell fecal massratsion reduces fermentation in intestines that prevents disorders of digestion and promotes decrease in a smell of excrements. Health of skin and quality sherstiratsion strengthens barrier function of skin, thanks to an exclusive complex of nutrients, maintains health of skin (EPK, DGK) and quality of wool. Health of bones and sustavovratsion provides maintenance of health of bones and joints, promotes maintenance of ideal weight; the enriched EPK, DGK. Protection pishchevareniyaprodukt it is made with use of the high-quality vegetable proteins (LIP) having high comprehensibility. Besides, it contains a beet press, fruktooligosakharida and mannanoligosakharida maintaining balance of gastrointestinal microflora. Also in its structure there is a cod-liver oil rich with fatty acids (eykozapentayenovy and dokozahexayenovy). It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to protect a mucous membrane of a digestive tract. High flavoring privlekatelnostblagodarya to perfect natural aromas and specially adapted croquets, the product has the maximum appetency even for the most exacting dogs. A special formula which helps to form protective mechanisms organizmakomplex of antioxidants have synergy action (lutein, taurine, vitamins C and E), strengthens immune protection. Mannanoligosakharida stimulate production of antibodies. Especially for jaws the brakhitsefalovosoby form of croquets helps a dog to take easily a forage, and their size and texture force well it to crack that promotes hygiene of an oral cavity and teeth. YOUR PUPPY - NOT the ADULT DOG PUPPIES NEED SPECIAL FOOD Thanks to a complex of antioxidants (the containing vitamin E), the diet of ROYAL CANIN® Bulldog Puppy helps to support a system of natural protection of an organism of a puppy while his immune system gradually develops. Dlya of maintenance of health of digestive system of your puppy, a diet of ROYAL CANIN® Bulldog Puppy contains a combination of nutrients with the high-quality protein (L.I.P.) which is specially selected by the principle of optimum comprehensibility. Besides, nutrients as a part of this diet help to maintain balance of intestinal flora, eventually promotes optimum qualities of excrements. Exclusive design croquets the Form, the size, texture and a formula croquets are adapted for a puppy of breed the English bulldog. The form, the size, texture and a formula croquets are adapted for a puppy of breed the English bulldog. date editing description: 01.10.2021

Reviews Royal Canin Bulldog Puppy Dry food for Bulldog puppies

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Royal Canin Bulldog Puppy Dry food for Bulldog puppies

  • Product Code: MX23167
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
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  • $127.00

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