Название документа
ProVET spray Insektostop is medicine of complex action and is effective for profilaktik and fight against endoparasites at adult dogs and cats. Medicine is effective at all stages of development of parasites: from larvae to adult individuals. This medicine produced in the form of spray is most convenient in application and does not cause a stress in an animal. The high efficiency of medicine at defeat of a dog or cat is in vitro proved:
  • scabby pincers of a look: Otodectes cynotis, Sarcoptes canis
  • fleas
  • forest pincers
  • vlasoyedama
  • heyletiyell (pincers of Cheyletiella vasgur) - flea dermatitis
Before use of medicine study the recommendations of the producer about its use.

  • convenient form of application allows to save an animal from ekto- and endoparasites quickly and without stress
  • unique combination provides to
  • effective effect of medicine
  • long protection
100 ml of medicine is contained active ingredient: fipronit - 0.3 g. Excipients: alcohol isopropyl, glycerin.
Fipronil (100 ml of medicine contain 0.3 g) - collects in epidermis, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, providing long action. It affects receptors of nervous system of ektoparazit, causing their paralysis and the subsequent death, without influencing at the same time the central nervous system of mammals. Fipronil is distributed evenly on a body of an animal in 24 hours after drawing. Destroys the ektoparazit resistant to other insect-acaricidal medicines which active ingredients are presented by fosfororganichesky connections, carbamates and pyrethroids.

Active components have no mutagen, cancerogenic action, on extent of impact on an organism of an animal treats slightly toxic substances.

Method of application and dosage:
Processing of animals is carried out indoors which is well aired. Before processing the bottle needs to be shaken up, then, having covered eyes and a nose of an animal, holding a bottle vertically, to apply spray on all body of the pet at the rate of 3-6 ml on 1 kg of body weight that corresponds to 3-6 pressing a spray of a bottle of 250 ml or 10-14 pressing for a bottle of 100 ml. One hand, intensively pressing a spray, to spray medicine from distance of 10-20 cm Insektostop apply on a body of an animal against the hair growth of an animal, for the purpose of processing not only to wool, but also skin. Then a hand (in gloves) medicine is rubbed in skin. In places of distribution of pincers the processing of dogs is admissible once a week. When processing long-haired animals the amount of medicine increases by 20-25%. It is not recommended to bathe an animal three days before and three days after processing.

Contraindication: not to apply
  • on the patients exhausted and weakened animals.
  • not to apply
  • an animal aged up to 10 weeks.
  • not to apply
  • animal, sensitive to a fipronil or other components of medicine.
  • Store
  • in the dry dark place separately from food and a forage, in the place, inaccessible for children and animals, at a temperature + 4 to - 25 °C.
Application: for cats and dogs
Period of storage: 3 years

Packing: 100 ml, 250 ml.

Producer: Pro VET, LLC NPP Suzirya, Ukraine Species of an animalDogs
CatsFormSprayProtection fromFleas
Ixodic pincers
Larvae of fleas
Scabby pincersBasic operating with the Eastern Military DistrictFipronilSpecies of parasitesExternal parasitesapplication TypeFor external applicationApplication is authorized to the Louse
of 10 weeksAge of an animalAdult animals
growth Period (till 1 year)
Age of an animal Adult animals growth Period (till 1 year)
Protection from Vlasoyeda Vsha's fleas Ixodic pincers Pincers of the Larva of fleas Scabby pincers
Release form Spray
Species of an animal Dogs of the Cat
Species of parasites External parasites
The basic operating with the Eastern Military District Fipronil
Use is authorized of 10 weeks

Reviews ProVET Insektostop spray from fleas and ticks for dogs and cats

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ProVET Insektostop spray from fleas and ticks for dogs and cats

  • Product Code: E-ZOO-101182
  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25547
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  • $30.14

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