Previcox of Tabletki for dogs at osteoarthritis (30th tab) of the Disease of joints differ in extreme morbidity, as well as long process of rehabilitation after operation on the musculoskeletal device (MD). To facilitate a condition of an animal, the veterinarian appoints special anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and febrifuge, such as Previcox for dogs. At the same time the main action of medicine takes place mainly in the center of inflammation of Osobennosti of intake of the medicine Previkoks: Tabletki with meat taste are pleasant to the majority of dogs. In case of unwillingness to eat a tablet, it is added to a forage or given together with delicacy Medicine begins to work in 20 minutes after reception, keeping analgesic effect for day the Course of treatment and its duration the veterinarian appoints. In hard cases of a tablet it is possible to give to animals more than 3 months (strictly under control of the expert) Preparat has a number of serious contraindications, including incompatibility with some drugs therefore it is possible to use him only according to purpose of the veterinarian of the Tablet Previcox for dogs are nonsteroid anti-inflammatory medicine with active ingredient firokoksib. It is recommended at diseases and injuries the ODE, osteoarthrosis, at orthopedic and dental operations. It is effective at seasonal exacerbations of diseases of joints, but the Dosage form and packing is used only according to purpose of the veterinarian: Small beige tablets of round shape with rissky in the form of a borozdochka on one of the parties with taste of caramel and a smell of smoked meat. Are packed in the aluminum blister on 10 pieces placed in a cardboard box Pharmacological properties: Превикокс® tablets of 57 mg and 227 mg belong to group of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory medicines. The Firokoksib which is a part of medicine is selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (SOH-2), selectively breaks formation of prostaglandins participating in formation of inflammatory reaction, suppresses exudative and proliferative phases of inflammation. Works mainly in the center of inflammation and practically does not influence products of prostaglandins regulating a kidney blood-groove and integrity of a mucous membrane of digestive tract. Has soothing, anti-inflammatory and febrifugal effect. After oral introduction to dogs in the recommended dose firokoksib quickly it is soaked up, the maximum concentration in blood is reached in 1.25 hours. The period to a floor of removal is 8 hours. The Firokoksib almost completely contacts proteins of blood, is metabolized in a liver, removed with bile through intestines. Превикокс® tablets of 57 mg and 227 mg on extent of impact on an organism belong to moderately dangerous substances (the 3rd hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76), in the recommended doses have no sensibilizing, teratogenny and embriotoksichesky effect of Pokazaniya to application: Превикокс® tablets of 57 mg and 227 mg are appointed to dogs as anti-inflammatory, soothing and febrifuge at treatment of osteoarthroses and also after orthopedic, dental operations and operations on soft Previkoks® fabrics of a tablet of 57 mg and 227 mg it is not necessary to apply along with other nonsteroid resolvents and Protivopokazaniyas glucocorticosteroids: A contraindication to application is the increased individual sensitivity of an animal to medicine components (including in the anamnesis). It is forbidden to apply medicine to the pregnant and lactating females, puppies to 10 weeks age and to dogs weighing less than 3 kg and also animals with gastrointestinal bleedings, blood diseases, at a hemorrhagic syndrome and a severe form kidney and hepatic the nedostatochnostidat editing the description: 17.08.2021
Previcox (Previkoks) Tablets for dogs with osteoarthritis (30 tab)
- Product Code: MX23309
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