Modern ophthalmology made great progress in treatment of many diseases, but even the most effective methods of treatment do not eliminate action of the damaging factors affecting visual acuity. Many clinical trials indicate considerable visual overloads, the catastrophic shortage of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A, low contents in a food allowance of antioxidants – all this leads to exhaustion, decrease in visual acuity, headaches, reddening of eyes, an astenonevrotichesky syndrome, risk of a degeneration and peeling of a retina, development of a cataract, glaucoma and other diseases of eyes.
Specially developed phyto-vitamin complex with a unique combination of the main nutritious components of officinal herbs, a full range of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for improvement of sight is not only prophylactic, but also is recommended in complex treatment of diseases of organs of vision. The ingredients which are a part provide orientation and increase in effectiveness of prevention and treatment at decrease in sharpness or loss of sight, improvement of quality of life of the patient.
of Property and effect of the ingredients which are a part of a complex:
of Ochank
– increases visual acuity due to elimination of inflammatory processes in eye tissues, promotes outflow of liquid and normalization of intraocular pressure.
of Ryabin black-fruited
– enhances anti-inflammatory effect of an ochanka. It is irreplaceable at angiopatiya, hemorrhages in a retina of an eye, dietary prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertensia.
the Calendula –
possesses a wide range of pharmacological activity, an integral part of anti-inflammatory collecting; improves metabolic function of a liver, has positive impact on the course of exchange processes and food of a retina of an eye, normalizes viscosity of blood.
of the Ginkgo of a bilob
– is considered now the most effective vegetable remedy for improvement of peripheral blood circulation, microcirculation in brain tissues, including in an eye retina, reduces risk of a clotting and sklerozirovaniye of vessels.
Gotha of a stake
– strengthens a vascular wall, reduces tendency to a spazmirovaniye, stabilizes a tone of vessels. In a complex with a ginkgo of a bilob yields great results in prevention and treatment of violations of food and kislorodoobespecheniye of fabrics of optics of an eye.
the Complex of the major antioxidants, such as vitamin C, zinc, selenium, bioflavonoids,
prevents harmful effects of free radicals who are formed owing to the increased influence of ultraviolet of sunshine and harmful influence of screens of the TV, the computer. Ophthalmologists pin especially great expectations on amino acid – taurine which controls digestion of oil-soluble vitamins, operates work of cellular membranes, interferes with aggregation of platelets, improves adaptation of sight to visual loadings.
is connection, related to vitamin A, is responsible for clear and qualitative sight. Lutein and the zeaxanthin which is formed of it in eye tissues perform the protective, shielding function, interfere with the damaging action of free radicals.
– as the ideal natural predecessor of vitamin A, is antioxidant protection of a crystalline lens, the participant of process of synthesis of rhodopsin and a yodopsin. These pigments participate in dark adaptation of an eye, processes of color perception.
"The formula for eyes"
includes group B vitamins, most necessary for eyes (In
), RR having beneficial influence on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems acting as powerful nonspecific pharmakodinamichesky tools and performing the major functions in an organism optimizing metabolism in fabrics of an optical system.
is amino acid, participates in synthesis of hemoglobin, cytochromes, formation of biotin, influences a metabolism in brain fabric, helps an organism to cope with stresses and psychoemotional pressure.
L-glutamic acid
– stimulates with
oxidation-reduction processes, increases resistance of an organism to a hypoxia. It is appointed at the progressing myopathy.
Is lame
— the best form for assimilation is lame, promotes maintenance is normal of the physiological level of glucose in blood.
the Phyto-vitamin complex "Formula for Eyes"
promotes improvement of a functional condition of optics of an eye, reduction of risk of development and progressing of eye diseases, increases efficiency of any kind of traditional treatment, normalizes an intraocular blood-groove, level of cholesterol and fatty acids in blood, reduces permeability of a vascular wall, improves to traffic of fabrics and microcirculation, visual functions and the antioxidant status of eye fabrics; possesses membranoprotektorny and anti-inflammatory action; enhances visual acuity, warns age visual impairments at advanced age, increases effectiveness of treatment.
decrease in visual acuity;
short-sightedness, far-sightedness;
a cataract, glaucoma (in complex treatment);
"a display disease" (during the work at the computer) and the work connected with the sight tension (drivers, non-manual workers, etc.);
the progressing myopathy, a retina angiopatiya, dystrophic damages of a retina in complex treatment;
age changes of vessels of an eye bottom;
exhaustion of eyes;
for prevention of diseases and maintenance of functions of the visual device.
the adult on 1-2 tablet 2 times a day in 30 minutes prior to food. Course of reception of 4-8 weeks.
ochanka grass, fruits of a mountain ash black-fruited, calendula flowers, biloba ginkgo extracts, Gotha stakes; lemon bioflavonoids, taurine, lutein, L-glutamic acid, glycine, vitamins C, PP, B
individual sensitivity to components, pregnancy, women in the period of a lactation, children up to 14 years.
of specification U 15.8-06733459-004-2001.
Phyto-vitamin complex Formula for eyes, Biola, 100 tablets 170, 21330 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Delivery worldwide, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness
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