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Children's literature - MARTNETS & ASUSHIT | Children's literature worldwide: price, reviews, wholesale

Model: 316283977
The author of the book is a famous children's writer, Vsevolod Zinoviyovich Nestaiko, who has written many stories and stories for children. You must carry a special charge of trustworthiness and kindness. For the fairy tale “Unfortunate Benefits of the Forest School” Vsevolod Nestaiko was award..
Model: 130644792
Zavdyaki blakitnyi nastsya, how the wonderful old lady brought Maxov’s father, the dog Bello turned into a human! Once the infusion is over, Bello will turn to the dog again... A guide to searching for the infusion recipe! The recipe for mashing is preserved in the old papers of our great fathers. B..
Model: 130647018
The message, as you hold it in your hands, will introduce you to the greedy benefits of two of your closest friends, Grishka and Oika. At the same time, you learn from them that friendship is valid, you discover a new phenomenon “steletrus”, you listen to the voice of the tattoos and discover their ..
Panorama B1 Testheft mit CD
-11 %
Model: 286078258
Test books help to objectively check the success of participants in the course and prepare them before taking the course Start Deutsch 1, Start Deutsch 2 or B1 certificates. The accompanying audio CD contains texts for all audio rights. ..
$737.00 $654.00
Model: 130644785
At this time of fate, for Ivan Kupail, if the Power of Svarozh descends to earth, if spirits rise to great strength, good and dashing, Petrusev will have the chance to find a charming flower of fern. And in the meantime, I will experience the legacy of not only people, but also the gods themselves. ..
Photo album for baby My First River - bunnies, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages, Photo album for baby My First River - bunnies, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages,
-15 %
Model: 263688526
“My First Album” is the heart-warming story of your little one from pregnancy to death. ? ?40 pages with colorful illustrations for the most devastating and unforgettable moments ?Everywhere special places for memorable dates and signatures. Ultrasound photo, tags from a canopy booth, a place..
$650.00 $550.00
Photo album for baby my first year - balloon, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages Photo album for baby my first year - balloon, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages
-15 %
Model: 269960976
“My First Album” - the exciting story of your baby from the moment of pregnancy to one year.? ?40 pages with bright illustrations for the most touching and unforgettable moments ?In the middle there are special places for memorable dates and signatures. Photos from an ultrasound scan, tags fro..
$650.00 $550.00
Photo album for baby my first year - fox, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages Photo album for baby my first year - fox, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages
-15 %
Model: 269961051
“My First Album” - the exciting story of your baby from the moment of pregnancy to one year.? ?40 pages with bright illustrations for the most touching and unforgettable moments ?In the middle there are special places for memorable dates and signatures. Photos from an ultrasound scan, tags fro..
$650.00 $550.00
Photo album for baby my first year - koala, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages Photo album for baby my first year - koala, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages
-15 %
Model: 269961006
“My First Album” is the exciting story of your baby from the moment of pregnancy to one year. ?40 pages with bright illustrations for the most touching and unforgettable moments ?In the middle there are special places for memorable dates and signatures. Photos from an ultrasound scan, tags fro..
$650.00 $550.00
Photo album for baby my first year - llama, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages Photo album for baby my first year - llama, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages
-15 %
Model: 269961031
“My First Album” - the exciting story of your baby from the moment of pregnancy to one year.? ?40 pages with bright illustrations for the most touching and unforgettable moments ?In the middle there are special places for memorable dates and signatures. Photos from an ultrasound scan, tags fro..
$650.00 $550.00
Photo album for baby my first year - octopus, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages Photo album for baby my first year - octopus, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages
-15 %
Model: 269960991
“My First Album” - the exciting story of your baby from the moment of pregnancy to one year.? ?40 pages with bright illustrations for the most touching and unforgettable moments ?In the middle there are special places for memorable dates and signatures. Photos from an ultrasound scan, tags fro..
$650.00 $550.00
Photo album for baby my first year - penguin, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages Photo album for baby my first year - penguin, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages
-15 %
Model: 269961016
“My First Album” - the exciting story of your baby from the moment of pregnancy to one year.? ?40 pages with bright illustrations for the most touching and unforgettable moments ?In the middle there are special places for memorable dates and signatures. Photos from an ultrasound scan, tags fro..
$650.00 $550.00
Photo album for baby my first year - rabbits, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages Photo album for baby my first year - rabbits, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages
-15 %
Model: 269960971
“My First Album” is the exciting story of your baby from the moment of pregnancy to one year. ? ?40 pages with bright illustrations for the most touching and unforgettable moments ?In the middle there are special places for memorable dates and signatures. Photos from an ultrasound scan, tags ..
$650.00 $550.00
Photo album for baby my first year - unicorn, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages Photo album for baby my first year - unicorn, Baby.ko.ta, 40 pages
-15 %
Model: 269961036
“My First Album” is the exciting story of your baby from the moment of pregnancy to one year. ? ?40 pages with bright illustrations for the most touching and unforgettable moments ?In the middle there are special places for memorable dates and signatures. Photos from an ultrasound scan, tags..
$650.00 $550.00
Model: 246509323
Forest book is a book with illustrations from the famous Ukrainian artist Maria Ruban, in which there are no words or descriptions at all. Looking at the illustrations, you can come up with new stories with your children about the adventures of the forest brethren: about a beaver who decided to gi..
Model: 114411769
- Please, call a doctor! - Where are you calling, what rook? - Call a doctor, please! - What do you want, what beavers? - Be beavers, call the rook! - If you are cheerful, then why do you need a doctor? (V. Bashirov) The overheard conversation included in our epigraph once again proves how important..
Pluspunkt Deutsch - Leben in Deutschland. Allgemeine Ausgabe B1: Gesamtband. Kursbuch mit interaktiven ?bungen Pluspunkt Deutsch - Leben in Deutschland. Allgemeine Ausgabe B1: Gesamtband. Kursbuch mit interaktiven ?bungen
-11 %
Model: 286077713
In den Kursb?chern f?hren reich bebilderte Auftaktseiten in die neue Lektion ein. Die Sprech?bungen auf den Sprechen-aktiv-Seiten am Ende jedes Kapitels dienen der Automatisierung. Eine Gewusst-wie-Seite fasst den Lernstoff zusammen. Vier Stationen stehen f?r die spielerische Wiederholung berei..
$813.00 $720.00
Pluspunkt Deutsch A2: Teilband 1 Audio-CD zum Kursbuch
-11 %
Model: 286062728
Enth?lt alle H?rtexte und Phonetik?bungen aus den Kursb?chern der Teilb?nde...
$514.00 $460.00
Pluspunkt Deutsch B1. Gesamtband - Handreichungen f?r den Unterricht mit Kopiervorlagen und Download
-12 %
Model: 286062128
Mit Tipps f?r den Unterrichtsablauf, Modelltests, Landeskunde und Kopiervorlagen. ..
$1 020.00 $900.00
Pluspunkt Deutsch NEU A1 Unterrichtsmanager Vollversion auf DVD-ROM
-12 %
Model: 286075808
Das digitale Materialpaket b?ndelt alle verf?gbaren zus?tzlichen Inhalte zum Lehrwerk und hilft, den Unterricht multimedial zu gestalten. Der Unterrichtsmanager ist zu Hause einsetzbar und auch im Klassenzimmer an Whiteboard oder Beamer. Die Vollversion umfasst multimediale Zusatzmaterialien ..
$1 250.00 $1 100.00
Prima - Los Geht's! A1 Deutsch f?r Kinder. Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD und Stickerbogen
-11 %
Model: 286067893
Die Arbeitsb?cher mit Audio-CDs spiegeln den Aufbau der Sch?lerb?cher wider: Zu jeder Einheit gibt es umfangreiche ?bungen, die Zuordnung zum Abschnitt im Sch?lerbuch ist leicht verst?ndlich. Die Bearbeitung mit den beigelegten Stickern sorgt f?r Spa? und Abwechslung. Der im Sch?lerbuch eingef?hr..
$514.00 $460.00
Prima - Los Geht's! A1 Handreichungen f?r den Unterricht mit Kopiervorlagen und Audio-CD
-12 %
Model: 286064383
Die Handreichungen enthalten viele Tipps und Anregungen f?r den Unterricht sowie die Audio-CD zum Sch?lerbuch. ..
$1 020.00 $900.00
Prima - Los Geht's! A1 Sch?lerbuch mit Audios online
-11 %
Model: 286077068
Die Sch?lerb?cher enthalten acht klar strukturierte Einheiten. Diese decken je ca. 4 Unterrichtsstunden ab und bieten Einblicke in die Lebenswelt der Kinder im DA-CH-Raum, spielerische Aufgabentypen, die die kommunikativen Sprachfertigkeiten der Kinder aufbauen, viele Songs, mit denen ne..
$641.00 $570.00
Prima - Los Geht's! Band 3. Sch?lerbuch mit Audios online
-11 %
Model: 286064563
Die Sch?lerb?cher enthalten acht klar strukturierte Einheiten. Diese decken je ca. 4 Unterrichtsstunden ab und bieten Einblicke in die Lebenswelt der Kinder im DACH-Raum, spielerische Aufgabentypen, die die kommunikativen Sprachfertigkeiten der Kinder aufbauen, viele Songs, mit denen neu g..
$641.00 $570.00
Prima Los Geht's! A1.3 Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD Prima Los Geht's! A1.3 Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD
-11 %
Model: 286075528
Workers sewing with audio CDs reflect the structure of student books. For the skin lesion, it is to the right, and divided into a student’s lung for clarity. The editing of the overlays in volumes 1 and 2 ensures fun and variety. Vocabulary, introductions to a student's book, clear guidance to a ..
$514.00 $460.00
Prima plus A1 Band 1. Sch?lerbuch mit Audios online. Leben in Germany
-12 %
Model: 286065038
Die Sch?lerb?cher enthalten jeweils 14 Einheiten mit acht Seiten. Klar gegliederte Lern- und ?bungssequenzen entwickeln die vier Fertigkeiten systematisch und vermitteln Grammatik und Wortschatz in sinnvollen, motivierenden Kontexten. Schrittweise lernen die Sch?ler/-innen, m?ndlich und schriftlic..
$1 132.00 $997.00
Prima plus A1. Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-, L?sungs- und Zusatz?bungen-Downloads
-11 %
Model: 286092193
Die Arbeitsb?cher unterst?tzen die gefl?chteten Jugendlichen beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache und f?rdern gezielt ihre sprachliche Handlungs- und Verstehensf ?higkeit - in und au?erhalb der Schule. Jede Einheit enth?lt drei Seiten mit den Schwerpunkten Meine Schule , Mein Alltag und L..
$735.00 $652.00
Prima plus A2 - Audio CDs zum Sch?lerbuch. Leben in Germany Prima plus A2 - Audio CDs zum Sch?lerbuch. Leben in Germany
-11 %
Model: 286071433
Die kurzen Einheiten sind thematisch inspirierend. Zu jeder Einheit geh?rt ein Mini-Video, das Landeskunde lebendig vermittelt, den interkulturellen Blick sch?rft und das H?r-Seh-Verstehen schult. Klar gegliederte Lernsequenzen pr?sentieren den Wortschatz und die grammatischen Strukturen in s..
$560.00 $500.00
Prima plus A2 Leben in Deutschland Arbeitsbuch mit Audio- und L?sungs-Downloads Prima plus A2 Leben in Deutschland Arbeitsbuch mit Audio- und L?sungs-Downloads
-11 %
Model: 286083608
Die Arbeitsb?cher unterst?tzen die gefl?chteten Jugendlichen beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache und f?rdern gezielt ihre sprachliche Handlungs- und Verstehensf ?higkeit - in und au?erhalb der Schule. Jede Einheit enth?lt drei Seiten mit den Schwerpunkten Meine Schule , Mein Alltag und L..
$652.00 $580.00
Prima Plus A2. Leben in Deutschland. Schälerbuch mit Audios online Prima Plus A2. Leben in Deutschland. Schälerbuch mit Audios online
-12 %
Model: 286068233
Die Sch?lerb?cher enthalten jeweils 14 Einheiten mit acht Seiten. Klar gegliederte Lern- und ?bungssequenzen entwickeln die vier Fertigkeiten systematisch und vermitteln Grammatik und Wortschatz in sinnvollen, motivierenden Kontexten. Schrittweise lernen die Sch?ler/-innen, m?ndlich und schriftli..
$997.00 $880.00
Prima plus B1 Testheft mit Audio-CD
-12 %
Model: 286062088
This German course is recommended for students in grades 5-9 and is designed for 1-3 hours per week. It consists of 7 levels that correspond to common European language standards, levels 1 and 2 correspond to A1, 3 and 4 - A2, 5 - B1, 6 - B2, 7 - C1. ..
$848.00 $750.00
Prima plus. Schulerbuch B1 Prima plus. Schulerbuch B1
-11 %
Model: 286089488
Die Sch?lerb?cher Die kurzen Einheiten sind thematisch inspirierend . Zu jeder Einheit geh?rt ein Mini-Video, das Landeskunde lebendig vermittelt, den interkulturellen Blick sch?rft und das H?r-Seh-Verstehen schult. Klar gegliederte Lernsequenzen pr?sentieren den Wortschatz und die grammat..
$790.00 $700.00
Model: 272673486
A magical fairy tale with a deep philosophical meaning makes you think about the true values ​​in human life.;Once upon a time there lived a rich, handsome prince in Venice. He loved luxury and was extremely vain. Magnificent balls were often held in his palace; he loved to amaze the imagination of..
Model: 272673831
As long as Venice has a rich and ugly prince alive. His life was drowned in luxury, and he himself was terribly glorified. Balls were often held at his palace, as they fought against the savagery of the place. But his soul was tormented by doubts all hour: why shouldn’t someone show up, even richer..
Model: 169974288
Little Riba was so worthy of the Sun that she wanted to sleep for him. It is unknown why the Sun felt asleep, but other people found out about it. The stinks eagerly began to teach Riba what was right to work and what was not...
Model: 343828141
What could be more interesting than the opportunity to create your own underwater world?! The mini-book will introduce children to a variety of sea creatures: sharks, dolphins, crabs, jellyfish, whales, turtles... A 63 reusable stickerswill help realize your child’s fantasies in a new way e..
Roald Dahl Going Solo. Roald Dahl. ISBN:9780141371412
-4 %
Model: 224197387
The second part of Roald Dahl's extraordinary life story. Here he is grown up: first in Africa, then learning to be a wartime fighter pilot. It is a story that is funny, frightening and full of fantasy - as you would expect. ..
$462.00 $444.00
Model: 297418668
Robot Chapek will show us a marvelous planet with three suns. We will catch three-legged crows and the tube-shaped tailed indicodactyl. Drumming on a drum made from the skin of a blunt-headed armadillo with ripples. Let's open the underground library. We fight against the three-headed Chimera and jo..
Model: 336413635
Description: < /span> In the “Fun Stickers” series, children can stick stickers on the desired spot to create an image of the creature. This is how our readers learn the names of new animals and develop fine motor skills. All children love to play..
Model: 328334938
Emil? more? do you want? mother? friend,?what? first? buv? bi? instructions? Shchoroku? vin? overpowering? leaves? on the? Pivnich? iz? whoops? yourself? about? like this? gift.? On the? sorry, Rizdvyany? Didus? Not? maybe? Viconati? what? Bajanya.? If? secrets? pratsivniki? poshti? -?Bertha? i? Lud..
Model: 75565722
Another cardboard book by the German author and illustrator Jörg Mühle of the series about Zaychenyatko, which will definitely become a friend to young readers. The books are notable for their cute characters, attractive colors, and the fact that they are inspired by the development of interactivity..
Model: 342626950
Smart cards were created using the Doman method and help lay the foundations for the development of a high level of intelligence, create a desire for new knowledge, and teach reading in your native and foreign languages. You can start studying with such cards as early as 6 months. However, grad..
Smart Junior 2 for Ukraine Workbook
-8 %
Model: 286064483
The worker goes up to the Smart Junior handcuff. A special edition for Ukraine, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the educational program for 2nd grade in English. ..
$267.00 $245.00
Smart Junior for Ukraine 1 Workbook (+ Online-Audio) Smart Junior for Ukraine 1 Workbook (+ Online-Audio)
-8 %
Model: 286062098
Smart Junior 1 for Ukraine - current innovative course, developed for the first grade of NUS , which was successfully piloted in 100 schools in Ukraine. The basis of Smart Junior for Ukraine is based on the competencies of the 21st century, such as: development of critical thinking, creativ..
$267.00 $245.00
So geht's noch besser zum Goethe-/?SD-Zertifikat B1. Lehrerhandbuch zum Testbuch So geht's noch besser zum Goethe-/?SD-Zertifikat B1. Lehrerhandbuch zum Testbuch
-10 %
Model: 286090613
Instituts: Goethe/?SD-Zertifikat B1 Goethe und ?SD-Zertifikat B2 F?r Ihren Unterricht und zum Selbstlernen. ?bungs- und Testb?cher mit passenden Lehrerhandb?chern: Schrittweises Training aller Pr?fungsteile und Aufgaben in thematischen Kontexten Vielf?ltige ?bungen zu Wortschatz, R..
$444.00 $399.00
Model: 270430731
Bunny Josi got into a quarrel with his sisters, and Mette and Marta want to quarrel with their friend Lena. I can’t tell you what Yozi is about. However, a storm is approaching, and Josi is already taking over his sisters...
Model: 130354369
How to withdraw 12 points from history? Where can I find additional information about this and other historical events? In this book you learn about the loot, if Stepan Bandera is alive, about the races that spurred him to fight, and about the unfair charges that they were falsified by the enemie..
Model: 339839989
In the 30s. last century, a little-known American businessman Stanton Avery, walking through the market, noticed the pieces of paper that sellers glued with ordinary glue to boxes with goods. He thought how cool it was to come up with labels that would immediately have a sticky layer and not fall o..
Model: 339840112
Imagine that today, in the middle of winter, you are walking along the paths of a national park, where tigers, lions, kangaroos, crocodiles are spying on you... You are not just walking, but also helping a child find a tiger, just by sticking it; you give out prizes at animal competitions, decora..
Studio d A1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Ubungen zum Film Studio d A1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Ubungen zum Film
-6 %
Model: 134829064
In diesem Arbeitsheft Sie finden, Sie zahlreiche Ubungen zum Einsatz des Videos studio d A1 in Ihrem DaF-Unterricht. ..
$175.00 $165.00
Studio [express] A1-B1. ?bungsbuch
-11 %
Model: 286064783
Deutsch als Fremdsprache f?r lernge?bte Erwachsene ab 16 Jahren Studio [express] - der Kompaktkurs der erfolgreichen Lehrwerkreihe Studio [21] richtet sich an lerngewohnte erwachsene Deutschlernende. Er eignet sich f?r Intensivkurse, die im In- und Ausland auf Studium und Beruf in den deutschsp..
$792.00 $702.00
Model: 130644778
Do you want to know why Subotic bloomed in the gulls? And how did the empty chair end up on another tree? And all through those that Subotica was stolen, and the fruit, like wine, is succumbing to conflicting side effects. And Saturday is so sad. Saturday at the help of a troubled person. You can le..
Model: 333722989
This incredible art book will entice us into the enchanting world of the Low Beskids, show us the beauty of this mountain skein, reveal the hidden depths of the local medicinal forests, get to know us about the birds, the wolves and the mouths of creatures, through the stitches of the magical Le Mki..
Super Reading Book 2
-8 %
Model: 286086803
Super Reading Book 2 - a handbook, developed especially for children of young school age, which will help students develop and improve their skills reading room The textbook is an additional component to the Quick Minds for Ukraine course. In writing and texts, the method of phonics is combined..
$244.00 $225.00
T?dliches Testament. Spurlos verschwunden A2/B1 Mit Audios-Online T?dliches Testament. Spurlos verschwunden A2/B1 Mit Audios-Online
-11 %
Model: 286084823
Wo ist Cornelia Sonnenschein? Sie wollte ihr Testament machen, doch jetzt ist sie spurlos verschwunden. Ihre Familie ist in gro?er Sorge - Privatdetektiv Reich macht sich auf die Suche. ..
$511.00 $457.00
Team Deutsch 1. Book for the teacher
-10 %
Model: 286076753
From the publisher: Team Deutsch is available: - designated initially goals for the beginning of each lesson - strong structure, balanced lessons - complete game situations and tests Team Deutsch is effective: - the great choice is right - initial material for blocks (like cheat s..
$444.00 $399.00
Model: 169974309
“This Is All” is a story about how the original subreddits can change their place to a better place. One day Andriy and his friends found a lot of dead fish on the birch sea. They are trying to understand the causes of the environmental disaster and find out the paths to it. Readers learn about dolp..
The Amazing Book is Not on Fire
-12 %
Model: 286067223
Hello reader! In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil's teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan's a fail...
$825.00 $730.00
Model: 331184905
About the book: Warm, light and at the same time deep text, illustrated by the “company” little ones of Andrew Matthews, the very ones that can help the reader gain respect for psychological problems , without “obsessing” with supernatural scientific explanations. You will realiz..
Showing 181 to 240 of 268 (5 Pages)