Model: 286065523
From the publisher: The book contains humorous illustrations and living examples from everyday life. All words and expressions with translation. The material is clearly structured thanks to easily understandable symbols. ..
$386.00 $349.00
Model: 286072378
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use is a self-study reference and practice book for elementary-level learners (A1-B1), used by millions of people around the world. With clear examples, easy-to-follow exercises and answer key, the Fourth edition..
$1 147.00 $1 010.00
Model: 191007398
Book First Thousand Words in Polish About the book From the publisher: The classic Polish bi-lingual word book, illustrated by Stephen Cartwright has been revised and updated to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Usborne Publishing. A thousand everyday words illustrated with busy scenes and l..
$458.00 $411.00
Model: 286073333
Das ?bungsbuch B1+ richtet sich an Lernende auf dem Niveau B1-B2, die die Grundgrammatik wiederholen m?chten . Hierbei wird die Grammatik auf dem Niveau B1 anhand von abwechslungsreichen ?bungen mit einfachen Erkl?rungen wiederholt. Der Wortschatz ber?cksichtigt auch berufsorientierte Kurse. ..
$788.00 $698.00
Model: 286065908
Excellent for heads-up learning and encouraging class participation Contains easy-to-access audio and video Can also be used with a computer and projector ..
$2 285.00 $2 000.00
Model: 286088448
Quick Minds for Ukraine - an authentic beginner course in English for primary classes, adapted to new programs and standards New Ukrainian School. From Quick Minds 2 for Ukraine, other classmates will continue to spend more money with Super Friends, who have super-powers that serve them to help..
$376.00 $340.00
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