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Pharmaton Maz oxytetracycline for eyes Conjunctivitis, cornea ulcers, keratit and other eye diseases at pets are treated by means of the special medicines appointed by the veterinarian. When it comes to diseases of the eyes caused by the microorganisms sensitive to oxytetracycline, the best means is oxytetracycline eye ointment of Pharmaton. This medicine has bakteriostatichesky properties, actually is an antibiotic of a wide range of antimicrobial action. Apply it to treatment of dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, horses, goats, pigs, fur animals and girlfriends. In ophthalmology the antibiotics apply very often. However criteria for selection of this group of drugs, but not anti-septic tanks, results of inspection of animals, including the antibiotikogramma which is carried out at infection of eyes are. Maz oxytetracycline eye Pharmaton is appointed veterinarians of a topicheska for treatment of superficial infections of eyes. A range of its action wide though some staphylococcus can be rezistentna in relation to this row. Tetracyclines for treatment of the conjunctivitis caused by mycoplasmas and clamidiosis in animals are most effective. Oxytetracycline Pharmatons eye ointment is put for a lower eyelid, after reliable fixing of the head of an animal. At the same time it is possible to use a glass rake. The dosage, frequency and a course of treatment is defined by the veterinarian, as well as use of other veterinary medicines. Dosage form and packing: Maz from light yellow till yellowy-brown color. Plastic containers or tubas on 20, 45, 50, 100, 200, 300 g and the syringe tuba on 10 g. Pharmacological properties: Maz has the expressed bakteriostatichesky properties which are caused by effect of oxytetracycline — an antibiotic of a wide range of the antimicrobial action active concerning the majority of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Pasteurella spp., Salmonella spp. and others) and also Rickettsia spp. some types of Chlamydia spp. and Mycoplasma spp., is inactive concerning Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Oxytetracycline gets into cages of microorganisms owing to diffusion and partially by active transport. Effect of oxytetracycline it is caused by violation of synthesis of protein owing to blockade of function of ribosomes at sensitive to medicine microorganisms. Application: Treatment of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs, cats and girlfriends, patients on conjunctivitis, keratit, ulcers of a cornea and other diseases of the eyes caused by the microorganisms sensitive to an oksitetratsilin. Dlya of application in veterinary medicine! Dosage: Maz is put a glass rake or enter through a cannula the syringe tuba (reliably to record the head of an animal) for a lower eyelid 1-2 times a day before recovery. Protivopokazaniya: Hypersensibility to oxytetracycline. Predosterezheniya: No. Storage: The place, dry dark inaccessible for children, for temperature from 5 to 25 °C. date editing description: 29.01.2021

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Pharmaton Oxytetracycline ointment for eyes

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