Название документа

Pharmacological properties

Active ingredient of medicine is dekspantenol — provitamin v5. in skin cells dekspantenol quickly turns into pantothenic acid and works as vitamin. dekspantenol quicker, than pantothenic acid, is absorbed after external use.

Pantothenic acid is a component of coenzyme A (CoA). In this form acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) plays the central role in metabolism of each cell. Pantothenic acid, thus, is necessary for formation and healing of the damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Drug has a hydrophilic cream basis owing to what it is quickly soaked up by skin therefore it is suitable for processing of the becoming wet wounds, the unprotected sites of skin (for example face skin) and the sites of skin covered with hair.

Dekspantenol at external use is quickly absorbed by

. In skin cells dekspantenol turns into pantothenic acid at once and it is added to endogenous fund of this vitamin.

In blood pantothenic acid contacts β-globulin and albumine of blood plasma. At healthy adults the concentration makes about 500–1000 and 100 mg/l in blood and plasma respectively.

Pantothenic acid is not exposed to biotransformation. She is brought in not changed look. 60–70% are removed with urine, the rest — with a stake.


Pantekr is applied to preventive processing of the dry, reddened skin or skin with cracks; for acceleration of healing and epithelization at microdamages (insignificant burns and scratches); at irritation of skin (which is a consequence of radiotheraphy, phototherapy or radiation by ultraviolet radiation); to an erythema from diapers; chronic ulcers of skin; decubituses; anal cracks; erosion of a neck of the uterus and after skin transplantation; for medicamentous processing of skin of patients after application of corticosteroids; preventive mammary gland care at the women nursing and treatment of irritation and nipple cracks.


Acceleration of healing and epithelization, regular preventive processing of skin: pantekry apply 1 or several times in day depending on requirement.

mammary gland Care at women who nurse: apply cream on nipples after each feeding.

Treatment of defects of a mucous membrane of a neck of the uterus: Pantekr apply 1 or several times in day depending on requirement.

Preventive care for babies: Pantekr apply at each change of diapers (diaper).

Duration of treatment is defined by

individually depending on existence of clinical signs of injuries of skin.




Pantekr it is contraindicated at the established hypersensitivity to any component of medicine.

Side effects

In some cases can note local allergic reactions (urticaria, allergic dermatitis).

Special instructions

Use during pregnancy and feeding by a breast. there are no proofs that use of medicine during pregnancy and feeding by a breast can result in any risk. manifestation of fetotoksichesky effects is improbable.

Children. It is possible to apply both at babies, and at children of advanced age in the presence of the corresponding indications (prevention and treatment of an intertrigo, having combed, at grazes, scratches, etc.).

Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles or work with other mechanisms. In reference books there are no data that dekspantenol or other components of medicine at topical administration on skin can influence speed of response at control of vehicles or work with other mechanisms.


interaction Cases with other medicines are unknown to




is not present

Messages of rather accidental overdose.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not above 25 °C. not to freeze.

Active ingredients Dekspantenol
Amount of active ingredient 50 mg/g
Applicant Phytopharmaceutical
Code of automatic telephone exchange D03AX03 Dekspantenol
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Not sensitive
Market status The branded generic
Origin Chemical
Prescription status Without prescription
Primary packing tuba
Quantity in packing 30 g
Release form external use cream
Route of administration External
Sign Domestic
Storage temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Pantekr

Reviews Pantekr cream of 5% of a tube of 30 g

5 Rating 1 Reviews


Pantekr cream of 5% of a tube of 30 g

  • Product Code: 180064
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  • $24.99

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