Название документа

Nutri Vet Pad Guard Wax Protective cream for small pillows of paws of dogs Protective cream on the basis of mineral oils, paraffin and beeswax which promotes protection of small pillows of paws against negative impact of gravel, asphalt, sand, ice, snow, salt, chemical means for processing of roads. Pomogayet to paws not to slide on smooth surfaces (parquet, a tile, linoleum). Sposobstvuyet to healing of wounds, cracks and grazes. Mineral oils - the protective coating protecting skin from damage Beeswax - is natural emulsifier which helps sealing and protection of skin Paraffin - improves coupling of small pillows of paws with a floor and silicon Dioxide helps not to slide on smooth surfaces - possesses the drying action and is promoted healing of wounds, cracks and grazes by Orange essential oil - softens the coarsened skin, stimulates regeneration of epidermis, improves blood circulation. Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory the Instruction properties: Before walk to apply protective cream with a thin layer on small pillows of paws of a dog and between fingers. After walk always wipe paws with a napkin. date editing description: 29.12.2020

Reviews Nutri Vet Pad Guard Wax Dog Paw Pad Protective Cream

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Nutri Vet Pad Guard Wax Dog Paw Pad Protective Cream

  • Product Code: MX24214
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
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  • $55.00

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