Nutram Total Grain-Free T27 Holistik bezzernovy dog food of small breeds with a turkey and Bezzernovas chicken a dry feed holistik Nutram Total Grain-Free T27 is the best diet for the choosiest pet in food. It is exclusively meat diet with the content of vegetables, fruit, berries and officinal herbs, useful to health. With a forage of Nutram of a dog of small breeds will be provided with the good, balanced nutrition throughout all life – from puppyish age and till an old age. Preimushchestva of a bezzernovy forage of Total Nutram contains ingredients with the low glycemic index which are suitable in food not only a dog, but also to the person fresh meat of a turkey and the dehydrogenated meat of chicken is a part of a forage, without addition of fish and fish products for maintenance of immunity pomegranate is added to a diet and raspberry contains all complex of vitamins and minerals for active lifestyle as the weakening and antistress component the plant is added the camomile does not contain corn, wheat, soy and potatoes has excellent tastes that is important for feeding of choosy dogs Animals need not various, and qualitative healthy food every day. Canadian holistik the forage of Nutram Total Grain-Free T27 meets all standards of feeding of dogs of small breeds, providing their good health, a healthy look and physical activity. Fresh IndeykaV to a turkey is high content of protein on 1 gram of weight and the lower than contents of fat, than chicken. Also meat contains selenium which helps with health of the immune system. RomashkaBogatyy flavonoids, the camomile can be used to calm concern, indigestion, morbidity and other problems with digestion. Some researches show that the camomile is also effective in decrease in gas generation (abdominal distension). MalinaYagoda grow up in British Columbia and they are powerful, natural antioxidants. Berries are important for strengthening of the immune system and make salutary impact on heart and health of skin. Granatochen it is rich with antioxidants, and is a natural source of vitamin C and vitamin K. date editing description: 13.09.2021
Nutram Total Grain-Free T27 Holistic Grain-Free Small Breed Dog Food with Turkey and Chicken
- Product Code: MX24983
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