Nutram Total Grain-Free T23 Holistik bezzernovy dog food with a turkey and T23 chicken the Recipe with a turkey and chicken. Bezzernova. Dlya of adult dogs and puppies Whole ingredients with the low glitsemichesky index - lentil, chick-pea and green peas as sources of fibers and a qualitative protein Cabbage as a rich source of phytoelements and a peppermint for a natural detoxication the Orach, in a combination with whole eggs form the basis of good muscles of 100% without cereal holistik a forage. Ne the Orach for force of muscles Whole a yaytsaotlichny source of high-quality protein and irreplaceable fatty acids which adds pleasant taste contains potatoes, corn, soy, tapioca, wheat Whole eggs +. Eggs provide the balanced and full profile of amino acids which stimulates growth and development of muscles. To LebedaVsa more and more popular food product there is an orach, but not grain! Semyon of an orach do not contain gluten, but contain the high level of protein and also it is rich with nutrients and has the low glycemic index. Often called a super-product, the orach is very acquired source of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin E, folic acid and beta carotene. An orach also excellent source of protein because of its optimum maintenance of a full profile of amino acids. KapustaKapusta contains one of the highest levels of antioxidants of all vegetables and is a good source of vitamin C, iron and calcium, other nutrients. Therefore Cabbage is powerful super-ingredient and gains the increasing popularity because of the high nutritional value. The peppery myatamyata helps to calm a stomach and improves digestion process. The mint aroma is used as a freshener of breath and the amplifier of taste, everything, thanks to essential oils, in particular, to menthol. date editing description: 16.02.2021
Nutram Total Grain-Free T23 Holistic Grain-Free Turkey Chicken Dog Food
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