Название документа

Trade name: Noofen
GTIN: 4750258311712
Producer: AT "Olaynfarm", Latv_ya of
ATC/ATX Code: N06B X22
Packaging: the Quantity Capsules
in packing: 30
of M_zhnarodne naymenuvannya: Phenibut
Morion Code: 289675
of L_karsk form: To the capsule tverd_ on 500 mg No. 30 (6x5) at bl_ster
the Dosage: 500 mg
Packing: bl_ster
Ingredients: d_yucharechovina: fen_nut; 1 capsule to a tverdam_stitfen_but of 500 mg; dopom_zhn_ rechovin: starch kartoplyaniye, starch prezhelatin_zovaniye, kalts_yu stearate; capsule: to the titan d_oksid (E171), gelatin.
Pharmacological group: Psychostimulant that nootropn_ zasob.
of the Indication: Asten_chn_ that trivozhn_ trivozhn_-nevrotichn_ an emots_yna lab_ln_st, porushennya pam'it і, znizhennya koncentrats і ї uvag), nespok_y, fear, trivozhn_st, neurosis nav'yazlivy stan_v. At people l_tnyy to a v_k – bezsonnya, n_chniya nespok_y. Prof_laktika stresovy stan_v, before operats_yam chi bolyuchy d_agnostichny dosl_dzhennyam. Men¾r's Hvoroba, zapamorochennya, pov'yazan_ z disfunkts і є yu vestibular to the device, prof_laktika zakhituvannya. A yak of dopom_zhniya zas_b p_d hour l_kuvannya abstinent to a syndrome at alkogol_zm_.
of the Contraindication: P_dvishchena chutliv_st to komponent_v to drug. Gostra of a nirkov nedostatn_st.

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ATC/ATX code N06B X22
Contraindications P_dvishchena chutliv_st to komponent_v to drug. Gostra of a nirkov nedostatn_st.
Dosage 500 mg
GTIN 4750258311712
Indications Asten_chn_ that trivozhn_-nevrotichn_ a camp (an emots_yna lab_ln_st, porushennya pam'it і, znizhennya koncentrats і ї uvag), nespok_y, fear, trivozhn_st, neurosis nav'yazlivy stan_v. At people l_tnyy to a v_k – bezsonnya, n_chniya nespok_y. Prof_laktika stresovy stan_v, before operats_yam chi bolyuchy d_agnostichny dosl_dzhennyam. Men¾r's Hvoroba, zapamorochennya, pov'yazan_ z disfunkts і є yu vestibular to the device, prof_laktika zakhituvannya. A yak of dopom_zhniya zas_b p_d hour l_kuvannya abstinent to a syndrome at alkogol_zm_.
International name Phenibut
Medicinal form To the capsule tverd_ on 500 mg No. 30 (6x5) at bl_ster
Morion code 289675
Pharmacological group Psychostimulant that nootropn_ zasob.
Producer AT "Olaynfarm", Latv_ya
Release form Capsules
Structure d_yucharechovina: fen_nut; 1 capsule to a tverdam_stitfen_but of 500 mg; dopom_zhn_ rechovin: starch kartoplyaniye, starch prezhelatin_zovaniye, kalts_yu stearate; capsule: to the titan d_oksid (E171), gelatin.
Trade name Noofen

Reviews Noofen of 500 mg No. 30 of the capsule

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Noofen of 500 mg No. 30 of the capsule

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Tags: Medicines, Drugs for nervous system

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