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NexGard Spectra of Tabletki from fleas and ticks for dogs weighing from 7.5 to 15 kg the Dosage form: Tabletki for oral application. Chewable tablets from light pink till dark pink color with henna-red impregnations, round (tablets weighing 0.5 gr) or rectangular (tablets weighing 1; 2; 4; 8 gr) forms. About 3 tablets in the blisters packed into cardboard boxes complete with the instruction for application are packaged. Pharmacological properties: NexGard Spectra belongs to the combined antiparasitic medicines. A part of medicine the active components - an afoksolaner and a milbemitsina oksy provide to Vkhodyashchiye his wide range of antiparasitic action concerning the ektoparazit and nematodes parasitizing at dogs. Afoksolaner - insektoakaritsid groups of an izoksazolin, the mechanism of its action consists in blocking GAMK-zavisimykh of receptors of arthropods, hyper excitement of neurons, violation of transfer of nervous impulses that leads to paralysis and death of ektoparazit. After oral introduction the afoksolaner is easily soaked up in digestive tract and reaches a system blood-groove, the maximum concentration in plasma is noted in 2-4 hours after introduction, the bioavailability is 88%. Afoksolaner is slowly metabolized with formation of hydroxylated connections, brought from an organism generally with bile and is insignificant with urine. Elimination half-life of an afoksolaner makes 14 days. Milbemitsina oksy - a macrocyclic lactone, is active concerning larvae and an imago of the nematodes parasitizing in digestive tract of dogs and also Dirofilaria immitis larvae. The mechanism of action of a milbemitsin is caused by increase in permeability of cellular membranes for ions of chlorine (SG) that leads to superpolarization of cell membranes of nervous and muscle tissue, paralysis and death of a parasite. The maximum concentration of a milbemitsin of an oksim in plasma of blood of dogs is reached within 1-2 hours, the bioavailability is 81%. Connection is brought out of an organism generally in not changed look, elimination half-life makes about 1.5 days. NeksgarD Spektra on extent of impact on an organism treats low-dangerous substances (the 4th hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76), in the recommended doses has no teratogenny, embriotoksichesky, mutagen properties, has no local irritative effect. Preparat is toxic for bees and also fishes and other hydrobionts. Pokazaniya to application: Appoint to dogs for treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal nematodoz, the akaroz caused by ixodic pincers, an afanipteroz, in complex therapy of the allergic dermatitis caused by fleas and also for prevention of the dirofilyarioz caused by Dirofilaria immitis larvae. fleas (Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides can is); ixodic pincers (Dermacentor variabilis, Dermacentor reticulatus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Ixodes scapularis, Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes holocyclus, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Amblyomma americanum); gastrointestinal nematodes (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense, Trichuris vulpis); larvae of dirofilyariya (Dirofilaria immitis). Insecticidal effect of medicine begins in 30 minutes after its oral introduction, death of fleas and ixodic pincers on an animal happens respectively over 6 h and 24 h. Single use of medicine prevents a repeated infestation within 1 month; death of fleas happens to an otkladka of eggs that prevents contamination of rooms eggs and larvae of an insect. Dosage: Preparat apply one-time orally in the minimum dose 2.5 mg of an afoksolaner and 0.5 mg of a milbemitsin of an oksim on 1 kg of mass of an animal according to the table. Animal weight the Name of the medicine Doza of Active Ingredients (mg/tablet) Afoksolaner Milbemitsina oksy from 2.0 to 3.5 kg of NexGard Spectra for dogs weighing from 2.0 to 3.5 kg 9.4 mg 1.9 mg from 3.5 to 7.5 kg of NexGard Spectra for dogs weighing from 3.5 to 7.5 kg 18.8 mg 3.8 mg from 7.5 to 15 kg of NexGard Spectra for dogs weighing from 7.5 to 15 kg 37.5 mg 7.5 mg from 15 to 30 kg of NexGard Spectra for dogs weighing from 15 to 30 kg 75.0 mg 15.0 mg from 30 to 60 kg of NexGard Spectra for dogs weighing from 30 to 60 kg 150.0 mg 30.0 mg At use of medicine the dogs weighing more than 60 kg should use a combination of tablets, at the rate of 2.5 mg of an afoksolaner and 0.5 mg of a milbemitsin oksy on 1 kg of weight. Ne is allowed a razlamyvaniye of tablets at selection of a dose of medicine. Protivopokazaniya: A contraindication is the increased individual sensitivity of an animal to medicine components, the expressed dysfunction of a liver and kidneys. Ne should apply medicine to patients with infectious diseases and the weakened animal, dogs aged up to 8 weeks and/or weighing less than 2 kg and also an animal of other types. To puppies of the breeds of dog sensitive to macrocyclic lactones, including the collie, a bobtail and a sheltie, medicine apply under observation of the veterinarian. At overdose of medicine at some dogs the depression, salivation, a shiver, shaky gait can be observed. These symptoms pass spontaneously within a day and do not demand use of medicines. Features of effect of medicine at its first application and cancellation are not revealed. To the pregnant and lactating boughs apply according to vital indications according to the recommendation of the veterinarian. Sleduyet to avoid violations of the scheme of use of medicine as it can lead to decrease in its efficiency. In case of the admission of the next processing the use of medicine should be resumed in the same dose and according to the same scheme. At use of medicine according to the present instruction of by-effects and complications at animals, as a rule, it is not observed. At some animals perhaps short-term loss of appetite, spontaneously disappearing skin changes (an eritema, peeling, an itch); seldom - vomiting, diarrhea and drowsiness. In case vomiting at a dog occurred within the first two hours after reception NeksgarD Spektra, it is recommended to give medicine repeatedly in the same dose. Data on incompatibility with other medicines and feed additives are absent. Ne is intended for application to productive animals. date editing description: 03.11.2021

Reviews NexGard Spectra Tablets for fleas and ticks for dogs weighing from 7.5 to 15 kg

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NexGard Spectra Tablets for fleas and ticks for dogs weighing from 7.5 to 15 kg

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