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  • Neuromin, Elite-Pharm, 30 capsules 193, 28766 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide delivery, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness

Just as not to do symphonic orchestra without good conductor who brakes in time or causes activity of any given musician in orchestra, also to our organism not to do without active and irrepressible work of a brain.
the Brain is a unique body, constantly develops throughout all human life. It consists approximately of hundred billion nervous cages and can save information more, than all books created by mankind. In a brain there are hundreds of vital centers regulating practically all functions of a human body.
the Brain never sleeps, and 20% of energy of the person are the share of its activity. It demands a large amount of the oxygen arriving from blood. However with age blood vessels are narrowed therefore oxygen starvation develops.
Normal functioning of a brain is possible
at daily intake of glucose, minerals, nonsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins. The deficiency of these main components of food leads to violation of a mental state: people suffer from fast change of mood, memory worsens, the unreasonable concern appears.
In order that the brain could work wholeheartedly, to it it is necessary to provide uninterrupted supply of energy and useful substances. Otherwise cells of a brain do not cease to work, but fall into a condition of "a sit-down strike" - fundamental obligations carry out, but no more than that. Therefore if you need to cope with the large volume of intellectual loading, do not forget to give a brain enough useful substances and energy in time.
For normal work of a brain should eat properly. Consumption of vegetables, fruit, greens, fishes promote saturation of a brain minerals. But at the modern rapidly changing rate of life with a constant time trouble it is only possible to dream of good nutrition - fast food, tinned food and semi-finished products - became food of office workers and people of intellectual work. How to support the mental activity? Support a brain can be given, using the medicine
which promotes overall performance of a brain: clarities of thinking, concentration of attention, to strengthening of memory and improvement of sight. The medicine
does not contain any stimulators, and represents a complex of natural substances, so tissues of a brain and normalization of its activity, necessary for the balanced food.
components which will help to prevent the changes arising in the course of aging of an organism are a part of this additive.
an Important role is played by Glutamic acid which is the neurotransmitter transferring impulsyv to the central nervous system. This amino acid participates in carbohydrate exchange and promotes penetration of calcium through a hematoencephalic barrier. It can be used by cells of a brain as a power source. And, above all is a neutralization of ammonia when nitrogen atoms in the course of formation of other amino acid - glutamine are subtracted. This process - the only way of neutralization of ammonia in a brain.
the Ekstrakt Ginkgo Biloba
is the most widely investigated and proda-vayemy herb medicine in the world today. It promotes improvement of blood circulation in an organism, ensuring elasticity and durability of blood vessels, improvement of supply of a brain with blood and oxygen. Helps an organism to provide stable intake of oxygen and nutrients in a brain that is a necessary condition of good memory and concentration of attention. Promotes hearing restoration, visual, the language properties including which were caused age changes.
Extract Gotha Kola which is called "a memory grass" improves blood circulation and blood supply of a brain, strengthens blood vessels (as the active ingredients stimulating collagen synthesis are its part), raises power opportunities. Affects soothingly the central nervous system, it is recommended as supportive application at mental diseases. Improves supply of a brain with oxygen, thereby increases mental capacities, accelerates processes of thinking, improves memory, promotes potency, satisfies a headache, possesses soft diuretic (diuretic) action. Results of researches confirm improvement of the general mental capacities, concentration of attention, increase in degree of concentration, memory improvement.
RR Vitamin is the V-complex component which is crucial for power generation and maintenance of wellbeing at many levels, especially for health of heart and optimum blood circulation.
Lecithin is the main source of food of all nervous system, provides normal exchange of phospholipids; lecithin is the most important structural component of cells of a brain (nearly 30% of a brain - a cover of nervous fibers - consist of lecithin), which derivatives are stirred up and accelerate intellectual human activity, operability, analytical functions of thinking, promote formation and preserving the memory. Its shortage leads to a memory impairment and decrease in intellectual activity and mental activity, provokes depressions, fatigue.
is ekomendutsya to be applied
for the purpose of correction of a food allowance for / at:
Improvement of concentration and ability to storing is strong>;
- Improvement of psychological state,
- At depressions;
- In complex therapy of functional violations of nervous and mental activity;
- Vegeto - vascular dystonia.
Method of application:
to adults and teenagers from 12 years on 1 capsule 1-2 times a day for an hour to food, washing down with a glass of water. Reception course 1-2 months. It is possible to repeat in 3-4 months.
Structure, mg / kaps.:
of Glyutaminovaya acid - 100.0, extract Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo biloba L.) - 50.0, extract Gotha Centella asiatica - 50.0; lecithin - 200.0, B1 vitamin - 2, 5, PP vitamin - 10.0, B6 vitamin - 3.0, B12 vitamin - 0.003; fillers: calcium stearate, MKC, starch, sorbite.

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Neuromin, Elite-Pharm, 30 capsules 193, 28766 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide delivery, free shipping, peace, health, cosmetics, fitness

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