Название документа

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. a mometazona furoate — strong gks, having anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, vasopressor effect. the mometazona furoate is powerful in vitro inhibitor of products of three cytokines participating in development of inflammatory process and its maintenance: interleukin (silt)-1, silt-6 and tumor necrosis factor (fno)-α.

Salicylic acid promotes peeling of the keratosic layer of skin and improves penetration of a mometazon of furoate into skin.

Pharmacokinetics. After single topical administration of Moleskine ointment C for 12 h without application of an occlusive bandage about 1.5% of the applied dose are subject to system absorption. Drug which got to a system blood-groove is quickly removed with urine and a stake.


Treatment of blyashechny psoriasis of moderate and heavy degree.


to Adults and children is aged more senior than 12 years ointment is applied a thin layer on the struck surface of skin by 1 or 2 times a day (in the morning and/or in the evening). the maximum daily dose makes 15 g which is applied no more than on 30% of a body surface. duration of treatment is defined by the doctor depending on weight of a course of the disease. treatment duration more than 3 weeks was not estimated within the main researches. as well as for all powerful gks, it is recommended to reduce a dose gradually.


Hypersensitivity to any component of medicine. bacterial (including tuberculosis, syphilis, a pyoderma), virus (the herpes simplex, chicken pox surrounding herpes, warts, peaked condylomas, a contagious mollusk) or fungal infections of skin (dermatophytes and yeast) and also skin parasitic diseases in the absence of the accompanying adequate therapy. perioral dermatitis or rozatsea, vaccine-challenged reactions, ordinary eels, skin atrophy.

Side effects

are given by

Below side reactions about which it was reported at application local gks: very often (1/10); often (from ≥1/100 to 1/10); infrequently (from ≥1/1000 to 1/100); seldom (from ≥1/10 000 to 1/1000); very seldom (1/10,000, including separate messages).

from an endocrine system: seldom — oppression of function of adrenal glands.

from skin and hypodermic cellulose: often — an itch, a local atrophy of skin; infrequently — striya, rozatseapodobny dermatitis, an ecchymoma, a folliculitis, a furunculosis; seldom — a hypertrichosis, hypoxanthopathy; it is unknown — irritation on skin, skin maceration, xeroderma, acne dermatitis, dermatitis, contact dermatitis, peeling of skin, a teleangiectasia, a heat rash.

General violations and violations in the place of application: often — burning sensation in the site of application, pricking.

Infection and invasion: infrequently — infections.

from the immune system: seldom — hypersensitivity.


Besides, it was infrequently reported about perioral dermatitis as additional side effect at application of local GKS.

Prolonged continuous use of local corticosteroids can lead

to development of a local atrophy of skin, striya and expansion of superficial vessels, especially on a face.

Long use of the medicines containing salicylic acid can cause developing of dermatitis.


Special instructions


Moleskine with it is shown only for external use and not intended for application in ophthalmology.

As well as at application of other local corticosteroids, it is necessary to adhere to the appropriate precautionary measures in case of putting ointment on extensive sites of skin (it is not necessary to apply at widespread blyashechny psoriasis) or in case of expected long-term treatment. It is especially important at treatment of children as they can be more sensitive to suppression gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system and to emergence of a syndrome of Cushing under the influence of local corticosteroids, than adults that is connected with bigger absorption of medicine through the big size of a ratio of surface area of skin and body weight at children.

Moleskine Ointment C is not recommended to be applied under occlusive bandages. It is not necessary to apply to face skin or axillary and inguinal sites, genitals and an intertrigo. It is necessary to avoid hit of ointment on a mucous membrane and open wounds. Moleskine With should not be applied at skin cankers, wounds and striya. Moleskine With is not recommended to be applied at pustulous or drop psoriasis.

At development of irritation of skin, including excessive xeroderma, it is necessary to stop use of ointment and to pick up to the patient adequate therapy.

in case of prolonged use is recommended to cancel gradually corticosteroids as developing of a withdrawal of corticosteroids is possible (for example dermatitis, burning sensation).

GKS can mask, stimulate or worsen a skin infection.

At development of the accompanying infection of skin should apply the appropriate antifungal or antibacterial agent. If the response to treatment is not reached quickly, use of Moleskine ointment C should be stopped until the infection is properly eliminated.

Salicylic acid can be sun-protection means. Therefore at the combined use of medicine Moleskine C and UF-therapy it is recommended to remove residues of ointment before UF-radiation and to clean the site of skin which will be exposed to treatment. After holding a session of UF-therapy, ointment can be applied again.

Any side effects noted at application of system corticosteroids, including oppression of function of bark of adrenal glands, are possible

also at topical administration of GKS, especially at babies and children.

With contains

Moleskine propylene glycol monopalmitostearat which can cause irritation to skin.

Use during pregnancy or feeding by a breast. Controlled researches on use of medicine during pregnancy were not conducted. Moleskine ointment C is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Does not know to

whether can lead topical administration of corticosteroids or salicylic acid by means of system absorption to penetration them in breast milk therefore it is not recommended to appoint Moleskine With women during feeding by a breast.

Children. Safety and efficiency of use of medicine Moleskine C for children are aged younger than 12 years are not established. At children it is necessary to apply the minimum quantity of GKS to achievement of effect. Long therapy using GKS can negatively influence growth and development of children.

Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles or other mechanisms.

Usually medicine does not influence speed of response at control of vehicles or work with other mechanisms.



After topical use of the medicine Moleskine with noted absorption of very small, but measured amount of salicylates in blood plasma. the overview of literature on interaction of salicylates with other substances after oral administration or drawing on skin revealed that changes of effects of such medicines as tolbutamide, a methotrexate, heparin, Pyrazinamidum, uricosuric agents and medicines of coumarinic type are possible. others gks and ammonium sulfate can affect the content of salicylic acid. the specified interaction should be meant when prescribing the medicine Moleskine with combined with the above-stated medicines.


Excessive or prolonged use of topical corticosteroids can cause oppression of function of a hypophysial and adrenal system and thereof to become the reason of development of secondary insufficiency of bark of adrenal glands and emergence of symptoms of a hypercorticoidism, including Cushing's syndrome.

Treatment. At emergence of signs of oppression gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system it is necessary to reduce the frequency of putting medicine or to stop its application. Appoint also corresponding symptomatic therapy.

In the clinical program of a dose, exceeding the recommended maximum daily dose of 15 g, had temporary impact on function gipotalamo - a hypophysial and adrenal system.


When drawing on big sites of skin the systemic action inherent in salicylic acid can be shown.

in case of the toxicity caused by salicylic acid Moleskin's application With should be stopped. Appoint liquid for induction of a diuresis. If necessary apply sodium bicarbonate and potassium (orally or in / c).

Storage conditions

At a temperature not above 25 °C. not to freeze.

Active ingredients Salicylic acid, Mometazon
Applicant Pharmak
Code of automatic telephone exchange D07XC03 Mometazon
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Not sensitive
Market status Traditional
Origin Chemical
Prescription status According to the prescription
Primary packing tuba
Quantity in packing 15 g
Release form ointment for external use
Route of administration External
Sign Domestic
Storage temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Moleskine

Reviews Moleskine About ointment of a tube of 15 g

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Moleskine About ointment of a tube of 15 g

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  • $24.19

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