Means for daily intimate hygiene of "Lactacyd Pharma" supports the Moistening pH 3.5 and improves moistening of an intimate zone, thanks to unique structure with the moistening L2G-комплексом™.
the natural hydrolipidic layer of delicate skin of an intimate zone Helps to restore and strengthen
It is intended for use in time and after the period of a menopause or in case of dryness of an intimate zone during pregnancy, use of medications and other.
Use of Lactacyd Pharma Moisturizing will provide to
long feeling of full moistening, will save from feeling of discomfort in an intimate zone and will prevent feeling of dryness.
higher content of natural lactic acid and rn 3.5 promote growth of lactobacilli, thereby not only supporting, but also restoring natural microflora of an intimate zone.
of Property
the unique L2G-complexTM which is a part works with
as a natural humidifier, restoring a hydrolipidic layer of gentle skin, helping to feed in addition it in an intimate zone.
the Method of application
Only for external application.
carefully to wash away
After application water.
in case of irritation should stop application.
the Formula is developed by
for minimization of risks of allergic reactions.
of the Rule of intimate hygiene
For genital care should use only special means for intimate hygiene: soap and usual shower gels do not approach.
Cannot use sponges or basts: it is possible to apply with them microscopic scratches on very sensitive mucous genitals.
the Water stream when washing and the movements of hands have to be directed to
in front back not to bring in a vagina an infection from the field of back pass. Water has to be by all means warm, but not hot or cold.
the Towel for intimate hygiene has to be clean, soft, and only his hostess has to use it. It is desirable that for intimate hygiene you used special towel, but not bathing or a towel for the person.
moisture needs be not to wiped
After completion of hygienic procedures, and to get wet.
Should remembering
that gynecologists do not recommend to take a bath, to swim in pools or reservoirs in critical days.
Moisturizer for intimate hygiene, 250 ml 159, z00822 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, world, health, cosmetics, fitness
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Tags: Moisturizer for intimate hygiene, 250 ml 159, z00822 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, world, health, cosmetics, fitness