KRKA Milprazon Anthelminthic tablets for puppies and small breeds of dog the Dosage form: Tabletki for dogs in modification for puppies and little dogs up to 5 kg is represented by oval, biconvex tablets with taste of meat of yellow-white color with brown impregnations and risky on one party. About 2 or 4 tablets in the blisters from a foil packed into cardboard boxes complete with the instruction for application are packaged. Pharmacological properties: Milprazon tablets for dogs belong to group of the combined anthelminthic medicines of nematodotsidny and tsestodotsidny action. A part of medicine the active components provide to Vkhodyashchiye its wide range of anthelminthic action. Milbemitsina oksy — the macrocyclic lactone received as a result of enzymatic activity of Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. Aureolacrimosus, is active concerning larvae and an imago of the nematodes parasitizing in digestive tract of dogs and also Dirofilaria immitis larvae. The mechanism of action of a milbemitsin is caused by increase in permeability of cellular membranes for ions of chlorine (Cl-) that leads to superpolarization of cell membranes of nervous and muscle tissue, paralysis and death of a parasite. The maximum concentration of a milbemitsin of an oksim in plasma of blood of dogs is reached within 2-4 hours, the bioavailability is about 80%. Connection is brought out of an organism generally in not changed look. Praziquantel is to the acylated pyrazinisoquinoline derivatives, possesses the expressed action against tsestod and nematodes. Increasing permeability of cellular membranes of a parasite for ions of calcium (Ca2+), causes depolarization of membranes, reduction of muscles and destruction of the tegument that leads of a parasite to death and promotes his removal from an animal organism. The maximum concentration of a prazikvantel in plasma of blood of dogs is reached in 1-4 hours. Connection is exposed to fast and almost full biotransformation in a liver. Binding level in plasma is about 80%, is brought out of an organism within 2 days generally with urine. Milprazon tablets for dogs on extent of impact on an organism belong to substances low-dangerous (the 4th hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76), in the recommended doses have no sensibilizing, embriotoksichesky and teratogenny effect, are well transferred by dogs of different breeds and age. Preparat is toxic for bees and also fishes and other hydrobionts. Pokazaniya to application: tablets for dogs are appointed with the medical and preventive purpose at the nematodoza, tsestodoza and associative nematodo-tsestodozny invasions caused by helminths of the following types: tsestoda there is Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus spp., Mesocestoides spp.; nematodes there is Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Trichuris vulpis, Thelazia callipaeda; Angiostrongylus vasorum (reduces intensity of infection), Crenosoma vulpis (reduces intensity of infection), Dirofilaria immitis (prevention of a disease). Application order: Milprazon tablets apply to dogs once during feeding with a small amount of a forage or enter forcibly on a language root after feeding in the minimum therapeutic dose 0.5 mg of a milbemitsin of an oksim and 5 mg of a prazikvantel on 1 kg of mass of an animal, from calculation: Weight of an animal, kg Quantity tab. 0.5 - 1.0 kg 1/2 tab. 1.0 - 5.0 kg 1 tab. 5.0 - 10.0 kg the 2nd tab. The preliminary hungry diet and use of depletive before expulsion of helminths is not required Prevention of animals usually 1 quarterly (3 months) in the above-stated doses and also in 2 weeks prior to vaccination. In family where there are small children who close communicate with pets, it is desirable to carry out expulsion of helminths of animals once a month, in the preventive purposes. For the purpose of prevention of a dirofilyarioz in regions, unsuccessful on a disease, medicine is applied during the spring and aestivo-autumnal period: before summer of mosquitoes and mosquitoes (carriers of the Dirofilaria immitis activator) once, then once a month and last time in a season not earlier than in 1 month after end of summer of insects. Before expulsion of helminths, it is necessary to consult with the veterinarian to exclude presence at an animal in blood of mikrofilyariya. Protivopokazaniya: A contraindication to application is the individual hypersensibility of an animal to medicine components (including in the anamnesis), the expressed dysfunction of kidneys and a liver. Ne also patients with infectious diseases animals are subject to expulsion of helminths exhausted. Ne should apply medicine to puppies more young than 2 weeks age and weighing less than 0.5 kg. Expulsion of helminths feeding and pregnant women a bough, puppies of breed the collie, a bobtail and a sheltie if necessary will see off under observation of the veterinarian. At overdose of medicine at some dogs the depression, salivation, paresis of muscles, a shiver and (or) shaky gait can be observed. These symptoms pass spontaneously within a day, if necessary to an animal appoint means of symptomatic therapy. Features of effect of medicine at its first application and cancellation are not revealed. Conditions and periods of storage: Store medicine in the closed packing of the producer in the dry, protected from direct sunshine place, separately from food and forages, at a temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C. A medicine expiration date at observance of storage conditions in the closed packing of the producer — 2 years from the date of production. An unused half of a tablet can be placed in the blister and to store before the following expulsion of helminths, but no more than 6 months after packing opening. date editing description: 05.02.2021
Milprazone 2.5 mg (Milprazon) Anthelmintic for puppies and small breeds of dogs
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