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Vinyl album of Paul McCartney and Wings: Band On The Run (Apple Records ‎ – SO-3415, USA, 1973). Etos
third studio album of the Wings group and the fifth solo album of Paul McCartney released in 1973. Commercially the most successful and one of the most known albums of group. Mrs thing well-known at the time entered it. Vandebilt known in the people as "Hop-hey-hop".
B was included 2003 on the 418th place into the list of 500 greatest albums of all times according to the Rolling Stone magazine. According to New Musical Express the album takes the 333rd place among 500 greatest albums of all times. "Perhaps, the best album released by one of four musicians who once were called The Beatles" (the musical critic of the Rolling Stone magazine John Landau, January, 1974).
In August, 1973 begins work on music for an album. The group rehearses in the Scottish estate of Paul McCartney.
As it often happened at the time of "The Beatles", the name of an album and a title song appeared from an accidental phrase. "If we ever get out of here" (Esli we will sometime get out … from here) are words which were thrown by George Harrison, during one of infinite business meetings and lawsuits of The Beatles because of the disagreements which arose around Apple. Actually, all song with quite intricate plot grew from these words and mood of a meeting. Paul McCartney chooses by
for record recently opened studio of the EMI company in Lagos. The new sound recording studio on the periphery was not so connected by the tough schedule for the months ahead, and musicians could plan the working hours freely. Besides, musicians had an opportunity a little to distract and get new creative feelings in the exotic place. However, though in some compositions the African motives also sound, mainly the composer and the author of words derived inspiration from the British subject.
For few days to a departure to the capital of Nigeria where the studio for record of a new album was already leased, left group the solo guitarist Henry McCulloch who swore with Paul during the rehearsals and the drummer Denny Saywell. Paul who spent three years for desperate attempts to return itself(himself) success which it made at the time of the Beatles, was shocked, but decided not to postpone planned.
Only on arrival to the capital of Nigeria musicians of the Wings group faced circumstances of which they did not think in Europe. First of all, in the country it was very restless, here only recovered after another revolution, and armed men could be met constantly on the street. The hot and damp atmosphere of tropics did not promote the high performance of work. The studio as it became clear, was not equipped in a due measure with conditioners and ventilation. Paul even had a bronchospasm, and it was necessary to resort to urgent medical care. The technological level of the sound recording equipment and experience of personnel left much to be desired. Attempts to find replacement left group among local staff were unsuccessful. Neglecting
preventions, musicians walked on streets without protection. In one of days robbers committed assault against Paul and Linda. Threatening with a knife, they took away all values and the draft records of new compositions brought from Great Britain.
As was remembered by McCartney, "In the afternoon I lay on the beach, slept, and then all night long worked". Work was argued. The musicians who remained three together accepted the challenge which is thrown down to them by the left members of the group — it only warmed up desire to cope with a difficult task. Vs of composition as a result of steel a fruit of work of Paul, Linda and Denny Lane. Paul even had most to perform a part of percussions. As a result it turned out that the album was released new, the third (after the disk "Red Rose Speedway"), the structure of group. Some critics even consider "Band on the Run" Paul McCartneys solo work. Sostoyaniyes
plate - G+, a condition of an envelope - G. On an envelope there is a small damage to a type of "burn".

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LP Wings - Band On The Run

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