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  • Liver Support, Mediclear-SGS, Thorne Research, Vanilla Flavor, 1071 g 2 288, 31379 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, world, health, cosmetics, fitness

Nutritional supplement
Liver/removal of toxins
Support of a GIT
the Basic product
is exclusive
for T
does not contain gluten
of MediClear-SGS there is an additive with rice and pea protein with a full-fledged multivitaminnym / a mineral profile, additional cofactors of a detoxication, phytosom of flavonoids and glyukozinolaty a sulforafan (SGS).
the Liver and other bodies participating in removal of waste products are affected by toxins from the environment and food and also suffer from insufficient consumption of the vegetables sated with useful elements, grain products and fruit supplying an organism with nutrients, necessary for a detoxication. MediClear-SGS is the additive on the basis of low allergy rice and pea protein developed for support of a detoxication of a liver and intestines. It contains irreplaceable nutritious cofactors and a full range of vitamins and minerals in the most usvoyaemy form. MediClear-SGS provides expanded support of a liver at the expense of the glyukozinolat of a sulforafan (SGS) – natural substance from seeds and sprouts of separate types of broccoli. SGS provides effective regulation of natural enzymes of an organism of the second phase of a detoxication, and is the indirect antioxidant providing long-term protection of cages against free radicals.
Medical experts know that many problems with health arise in situations when the liver does not work normally, for example, at problems with digestion, an imbalance of bacteria in intestines or increased fatigue. MediClear-SGS contains useful detoksikatsionny cofactors and also a number of additional nutritious elements and vegetable ingredients.
of MediClear-SGS also contains extracts of curcumine, green tea and grape sunflower seeds in the form of phytosom for increase in their comprehensibility and optimum delivery to fabrics. Phytosom are the plant extracts connected with fosfatidilkholiny that considerably increases their comprehensibility and level in blood.
of MediClear-SGS contains vitamins and minerals which support the detoksikatsionny processes in a liver. These nutritious elements are included in the most acquired forms: pyridoxal phosphate (active B6 vitamin), L-5-MTGF (active folate), metilkobalamin (active B12 vitamin) and also easily usvoyaemy chelates of minerals from Albion Laboratories.
during the 1st stage of process of removal of toxins a liver hazardous and undesirable fat-soluble substances turn into intermediate metabolites by means of group of enzymes which is called p450 cytochrome. Intermediate metabolites often more reactive are also potentially more toxic, than initial substances. The second stage of process of a detoxication means accession of other molecules to data intermediate to metabolites that does them non-toxic and water-soluble that, in turn, allows to bring them in urine or through intestines.
In MediClear-SGS uses rice and pea protein due to its low allergenicity. Allergic reactions most often arise at the use of milk or soy protein. Use of rice and pea protein improves removal of the most allergenic proteins, supporting at the same time intake of quality protein in an organism.
of the Recommendation about Application
For adults and children 12 years are more senior than
. Stir 1 portion (two measured spoons) in at least 300 ml of cold water, juice, rice or nut milk or according to the recommendations of the doctor. This product is not a medical product. It is intended for use in combination with the full program of food. Do not use in diets with calorie content less than 600 in day without constant medical observation.
Other Ingredients
Fragrances, sugar juice from icing sugar, rice bran, extract of a stevia (sheet) (Rebaudiozid of 97%).
the ingredient received from soy (phytosom of grape seeds) Contains
of Prevention
opening Control: accept only in case of full tightness of packing. To store densely closed in the cool, dry place.
At pregnancy should consult with the doctor before reception.
Additional facts
Serving size:
two scoops (51 g)
of Portions in a container:
Two scoops (51 g) Contain
of % Day cost
of Calorie
of All of fats
of 5 g
of 6% *
Saturated fat
of 2 g
of 10% *
of All of carbohydrates
of 10 g
of 4% *
Dietary fiber
of 1 g
of 4% *
of All sugar
of 5 g
5 g of the added sugars
of 10% *
of protein
of 20 g
of 40% *
Vitamin A (450 mkg from beta carotene and 600 mkg in the form of palmitate)
of 1.05 mg
of 117%
Vitamin C (in the form of ascorbic acid)
of 300 mg
of 333%
Vitamin D (as D3 vitamin) (400 ME)
of 10 mkg
of 50%
Vitamin E (76.4 mg in the form of d - alpha tocopherol and 4.2 mg in the form of d - alpha tocopherol from 52 mg of the mixed tocopherol)
of 80.6 mg
of 536%
Thiamine (as HCI thiamine)
of 12 mg
of 1000%
Riboflavinum (as Riboflavinum 5 -sodium phosphate)
of 5 mg
of 385%
Niatsin (30 mg as a niatsinamid and 8 mg as a niatsin)
of 38 mg
of 238%
B6 Vitamin (as Piridoksal 5 - Phosphate)
of 10 mg
of 588%
Folate (300 mkg in the form of L-5-metiltetragidrofolata)
from L-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid,
glycosamine Salt)
of 500 mkg of DFE
of 125%
B12 Vitamin (as metilkobalamin)
of 50 mkg
of 2083%
of 150 mkg
of 500%
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate)
of 50 mg
of 1000%
Holin (as citrate it is well-cared)
of 11 mg
of 2%
Calcium (in the form of calcium citrate)
of 300 mg
of 23%
of 5 mg
of 28%
Magnesium (as magnesium citrate)
of 150 mg
of 36%
Zinc (as TRAACS Zinc bisglitsinat Hetat) ††
of 10 mg
of 91%
Selenium (as L-selenometionin)
of 70 mkg
of 127%
Manganese (as TRAACS Manganese Bisglycinate Cheate) ††
of 1.5 mg
of 65%
Is lame
(as TRAACS Glitsinat Helat Nikotinat Chrome) ††
of 100 mkg
of 286%
Molybdenum (as TRAACS Molybdenum Glycinate Chelate) ††
of 50 mkg
of 111%
Sodium (as chloride of sodium and citrate of sodium)
of 200 mg
of 9%
Potassium (as potassium citrate)
of 100 mg
of 2%
Own mix †††
of 25.53 g
the Pea protein isolate
of Risovy protein
Glitsin ††††
of 1.65 g
Triglycerides of an average chain (MCT)
of 1.5 g
L-glutamine ††††
of 500 mg
a L-lysine (as a L-lysine monohydrochloride) ††††
of 500 mg
of Curcumin Phytosome ††††† (extract of a turmeric (root) / a phospholipidic complex from sunflower)
of 400 mg
Extract of a dairy thistle (fruit) (Silybum marianum)
of 250 mg
Taurine ††††
of 110 mg
Metilsulfonilmetan (MCM)
of 100 mg
the Vitovy seed of Fitosom ††††† (Vitiss extract vinifera/phospholipidic a complex)
of 50 mg
the Phytosome Green tea ††††† (extract of a camellia of sinensis (sheet) / a phospholipidic complex from sunflower)
of 50 mg
Betain waterless (trimetilglitsin)
of 50 mg
N-acetyl-L-cysteine ††††
of 50 mg
Sulforafan Glyukozinolat (from extract of broccoli (seeds) (Brassica oleracea italica) ††††††
of 30 mg
the Glutathione (reduced) ††††
of 25 mg
Bor (as a complex of the borinovy borinovy glitsinat) ††††††
of 100 mkg
of Lustein (from extract of an Aztec velvet (flower) (Tagetes erecta)
of 60 mkg
Vanadium (in the form of vanadium citrate)
of 50 mkg
* Percent of day norm is based by
on a diet in 2000 calories.
** Daily size (DV) is not established.
† This product uses Gnosis SpAs L-5-метилтетрагидрофолиевая acid, salt of a glycosamine (Quatrefolic). Quatrefolic is the Gnosis SpA
registered trade mark †† In this product Albions TRAACS nitrate nitrate nitrate Chromate, bisglitsinat manganese chelate, chelate of Glitsiante molybdenum and tsiglin bisglitsinat chelate are used. TRAACS is the registered trade mark Albion International, Inc.
††† VegaLife, a trade name of Thornes for the patented mix of peas and rice.
†††† Are added
amino acid ††††† This product uses to phytosom of Indena SpAs of green tea (Greenselect), phytosom from grape seeds (Leucoselect) and to phytosom of curcumine (Meriva), Greenselect, Leucoselect and Meriva are the registered trade marks Indena SpA
Extract of Glyukozinolat from a Cruciferae Family of Seeds is protected by the patent of the USA No. 5725895. Use of this product is protected by patents of the USA No. No. 5,968,505 and 5,968,567.
††††††† This product uses Albions Bororganic Boron Glycinate Complex, Bororganic is the trademark Albion International, Inc.
Silibum is standardized for Silimarin of 65%.
Additional facts
Serving size:
two scoops (51 g)
of Portions in a container:
Two scoops (51 g) Contain
of % Day cost
of Calorie
of All of fats
of 5 g
of 6% *
Saturated fat
of 2 g
of 10% *
of All of carbohydrates
of 10 g
of 4% *
Dietary fiber
of 1 g
of 4% *
of All sugar
of 5 g
5 g of the added sugars
of 10% *
of protein
of 20 g
of 40% *
Vitamin A (450 mkg from beta carotene and 600 mkg in the form of palmitate)
of 1.05 mg
of 117%
Vitamin C (in the form of ascorbic acid)
of 300 mg
of 333%
Vitamin D (as D3 vitamin) (400 ME)
of 10 mkg
of 50%
Vitamin E (76.4 mg in the form of d - alpha tocopherol and 4.2 mg in the form of d - alpha tocopherol from 52 mg of the mixed tocopherol)
of 80.6 mg
of 536%
Thiamine (as HCI thiamine)
of 12 mg
of 1000%
Riboflavinum (as Riboflavinum 5 -sodium phosphate)
of 5 mg
of 385%
Niatsin (30 mg as a niatsinamid and 8 mg as a niatsin)
of 38 mg
of 238%
B6 Vitamin (as Piridoksal 5 - Phosphate)
of 10 mg
of 588%
Folate (300 mkg in the form of L-5-metiltetragidrofolata)
from L-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid,
glycosamine Salt)
of 500 mkg of DFE
of 125%
B12 Vitamin (as metilkobalamin)
of 50 mkg
of 2083%
of 150 mkg
of 500%
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate)
of 50 mg
of 1000%
Holin (as citrate it is well-cared)
of 11 mg
of 2%
Calcium (in the form of calcium citrate)
of 300 mg
of 23%
of 5 mg
of 28%
Magnesium (as magnesium citrate)
of 150 mg
of 36%
Zinc (as TRAACS Zinc bisglitsinat Hetat) ††
of 10 mg
of 91%
Selenium (as L-selenometionin)
of 70 mkg
of 127%
Manganese (as TRAACS Manganese Bisglycinate Cheate) ††
of 1.5 mg
of 65%
Is lame
(as TRAACS Glitsinat Helat Nikotinat Chrome) ††
of 100 mkg
of 286%
Molybdenum (as TRAACS Molybdenum Glycinate Chelate) ††
of 50 mkg
of 111%
Sodium (as chloride of sodium and citrate of sodium)
of 200 mg
of 9%
Potassium (as potassium citrate)
of 100 mg
of 2%
Own mix †††
of 25.53 g
the Pea protein isolate
the Rice protein
Glitsin ††††
of 1.65 g
Triglycerides of an average chain (MCT)
of 1.5 g
L-glutamine ††††
of 500 mg
a L-lysine (as a L-lysine monohydrochloride) ††††
of 500 mg
of Curcumin Phytosome ††††† (extract of a turmeric (root) / a phospholipidic complex from sunflower)
of 400 mg
Extract of a dairy thistle (fruit) (Silybum marianum)
of 250 mg
Taurine ††††
of 110 mg
Metilsulfonilmetan (MCM)
of 100 mg
the Vitovy seed of Fitosom ††††† (Vitiss extract vinifera/phospholipidic a complex)
of 50 mg
the Phytosome Green tea ††††† (extract of a camellia of sinensis (sheet) / a phospholipidic complex from sunflower)
of 50 mg
Betain waterless (trimetilglitsin)
of 50 mg
N-acetyl-L-cysteine ††††
of 50 mg
Sulforafan Glyukozinolat (from extract of broccoli (seeds) (Brassica oleracea italica) ††††††
of 30 mg
the Glutathione (reduced) ††††
of 25 mg
Bor (as a complex of the borinovy borinovy glitsinat) ††††††
of 100 mkg
of Lustein (from extract of an Aztec velvet (flower) (Tagetes erecta)
of 60 mkg
Vanadium (in the form of vanadium citrate)
of 50 mkg
* Percent of day norm are based by
on a diet in 2000 calories.
** Daily size (DV) is not established.
† This product uses Gnosis SpAs L-5-метилтетрагидрофолиевая acid, salt of a glycosamine (Quatrefolic). Quatrefolic is the Gnosis SpA
registered trade mark †† In this product Albions TRAACS nitrate nitrate nitrate Chromate, bisglitsinat manganese chelate, chelate of Glitsiante molybdenum and tsiglin bisglitsinat chelate are used. TRAACS is the registered trade mark Albion International, Inc.
††† VegaLife, a trade name of Thornes for the patented mix of peas and rice.
†††† Are added
amino acid ††††† This product uses to phytosom of Indena SpAs of green tea (Greenselect), phytosom from grape seeds (Leucoselect) and to phytosom of curcumine (Meriva), Greenselect, Leucoselect and Meriva are the registered trade marks Indena SpA
Extract of Glyukozinolat from a Cruciferae Family of Seeds is protected by the patent of the USA No. 5725895. Use of this product is protected by patents of the USA No. No. 5,968,505 and 5,968,567.
††††††† This product uses Albions Bororganic Boron Glycinate Complex, Bororganic is the trademark Albion International, Inc.
Silibum is standardized for Silimarin of 65%.

(Tagetes erecta) 60 mcg ** Vanadium (as Vanadium Citrate) 50 mcg ** * Percent Daily Values ​​are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. ** Daily Value (DV) not established. † This product uses Gnosis SpAs L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolic Acid, Glucosamine Salt (Quatrefolic). Quatrefolic is a registered trademark of Gnosis SpA †† This product uses Albions TRAACS Nitrate Nitrate Chromate, Manganese Bisglycinate Chelate, Glycyante Molybdenum Chelate and Ciglin Bisglycinate Chelate. TRAACS is a registered trademark of Albion International, Inc. ††† VegaLife, Thornes trade name for a proprietary blend of peas and rice. †††† Added Amino Acids ††††† This product uses Indena SpAs Green Tea Phytosome (Greenselect), Grape seed phytosome (Leucoselect) and curcumin phytosome (Meriva), Greenselect, Leucoselect and Meriva are registered trademarks of Indena SpA Cruciferous glucosinolate extract is protected by US Pat. No. 5,725,895. The use of this product is protected by US Pat. Nos. 5,968,505 and 5,968,567. †††††††† This product uses Albions Bororganic Boron Glycinate Complex, Bororganic is a trademark of Albion International, Inc. Silybum is standardized for Silymarin 65%. Bororganic is a trademark of Albion International, Inc. Silybum is standardized for Silymarin 65%. Bororganic is a trademark of Albion International, Inc. Silybum is standardized for Silymarin 65%.

Reviews Liver Support, Mediclear-SGS, Thorne Research, Vanilla Flavor, 1071g, 31379

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Liver Support, Mediclear-SGS, Thorne Research, Vanilla Flavor, 1071 g 2 288, 31379 .. Discounts, promotions, 100% original products. Worldwide shipping, free shipping, world, health, cosmetics, fitness

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